Four sisters of the Good Samaritan Congregation complete Perpetual Profession of vows

Four sisters of the Good Samaritan Congregation complete Perpetual Profession of vows

Today During the solemnity of the immaculate Conception of the blessed Virgin Mary, four Sisters of Good Samaritan Congregation made their final vows in a Mass celebrated by His Grace Paul Ssemogerere Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese . These included Sr. M.Mourice Babirye -kiyinda Mityana Diocese, Sr. M.Rose Nabulya- Hoima. Sr. M.Eveline Nakacwa Hoima Diocese. Sr. M.Mildred Abitegeka – Hoima Diocese, who Completed their Perpetual Profession of vows infront of religious sisters, Laity, priests, and family. In attendance was also Bishop Kirabo Vincent of Hoima diocese.

The Church celebrates with great the Rite of Perpetual Profession, by which the religious bind themselves permanently to the service of God and the Church. It is a sign of the unbreakable union between Christ and his bride, the Church. During this Mass, attendees witnessed the sisters consecrate their lives to God by vowing to live the Gospel through the observance of obedience, chastity and poverty.

During the homily the Archbishop urged the sisters to continue loving God and Mother Mary by doing Charitable works and also renew ourselves in Christ by repenting from our sins.

After the homily the sisters stood and were asked by the Archbishop to declare their readiness to dedicate themselves to God and to seek perfect charity, according to the rule and the constitutions of the community.

During the Litany of Supplication, all implored the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints, while asking God to pour out His mercy upon the sisters so that they might be forever strengthened in their religious vocation.

At the profession of vows, each sister came forward to kneel in front of the mother superior to read the formula of profession by which she vowed to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each sister’s vows were accepted by the mother superior, and Archbishop said the solemn prayer of consecration over the newly professed sisters.

Then each sister was given a ring as a symbol of her lifelong membership in the religious community.