God’s calling for Monday the 4th of October 2021 – Br Innocent

God’s calling for Monday the 4th of October 2021 – Br Innocent


Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi

Luke 10:25-37

“Who was neighbour to the one in need?” “The one who showed mercy.” “Go and do Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi likewise and you will live.” And that’s it. Show mercy. Give a helping hand to those in need. To simply walk past someone in need, ignoring them does nothing to improve the condition of that person, nor anything to improve the broader society. Why do you think God has given you money, gifts, abilities, given you that job, put you in that position? We are blessed to bless those in need without exclusions. May we be known by our love!


Lord Jesus, help me to be a merciful neighbour, even whenitis inconvenient.Help me to imitate the good Samaritan. Amen.