Here is your Word to Command this Sunday 11th July 2021

Here is your Word to Command this Sunday 11th July 2021

Here is your Word to Command this Sunday:VERSE: Psalm 85: 6″Make us strong again, and we, Your people, will praise You.”- Convalescence is a time spent recovering to one’s good health.- Recognising that we need time to recover our strength, is important.- There are many people in our country who need God’s support, either through the medics’ hand but more so from the hand of the Almighty.- We long to praise God, when we are healthy and kicking.- We Your people will praise You LORD.- Make us strong again. Heal us!- Blessed are You Lord who can heal us.PRAYER: LORD our God; put us in Your palm we pray. May this time be spent in Your consoling and healing circle. May those quarantined in any form find themselves cleansed. Continue to touch the body and souls of those who are sick. We earnestly pray in the name of Your Son and our LORD Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have a blessed Sunday.