Senatus of Uganda Celebrates 60years
By Ronald Peter Mugerwa and Victor Alinaitwe
The Legion of Mary has celebrated 60 years of existence in Uganda at Makerere St Augustine Chapel on Friday evening animated by the Reverand Fr.Dr.Mary Joseph Sebunya.
Preaching at the Celebration,the Reverand reminded the Legionaries to be grateful to God for the great wonders that have happened, ,those seemingly “simple” works that go unnoticed. He also thanked them for loving Mother Mary zealously and encouraged them to illuminate the candle and maintain it. The Reverand invoked the theme used on the centinary celebration; “Rejoice, Remember,Renew,and Recruit”. He also invoked the message of Pope John Paul II, that; “look to the past with thanks, the present with enthusiasm and the future with hope.
Attending Mass, were the third President of Senatus and the Chancellor-Mbarara university-Bro.Prof.Charles Olweny, Sister Susan- the current President, among others.
In her remarks,the President of Senatus,Sr.Susan,thanked God for bringing them this far, the graces bestowed upon Legion of Mary in 83 years and Senatus in 60 years, in Uganda.
The Senatus is the highest governing council of the Legion of Mary(Latin: Legion Mariae). L.O.M is a voluntary organisation at the service of our lady, whose membership is affiliated to the Catholic Church which is under the Consolium (latin) meaning Council of the wise.