The Rosary Is the Prayer most pleasing, to Our Lady – CACEMCHO heads testify

The Rosary Is the Prayer most pleasing, to Our Lady – CACEMCHO heads testify

The Rosary Is the Prayer most pleasing, to Our Lady – CACEMCHO heads testify

Kampala: The Catholic Centenary Memorial Choir (CACEMCHO), a choral team at Christ The King Parish Church, Kampala, Uganda is preparing to stage a thanksgiving Marian choral music Presentation this Marian month scheduled for Sunday 23rd October 2022 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Lubaga – Kampala Archdiocese under the theme; Ave Maria, majorly to thank mother Mary for her eternal intercession and help.

The directors of this Choir have highlighted that as on the catholic liturgical calendar, all catholics know about the two special months where recitation of the Holy Rosary and full dedication to Mother Mary is conducted, and this is May and October, annually. This choir has opted to set Marian songs presentations in the mentioned special months, even in the past 20years.

Looking back to the past two years where the Uganda and the entire world was living in a threat of the outbreak of Covid – 19 which caused Lockdown, CACEMCHO and other choirs out there have struggled to live both spiritually and economically which has not been easy, a case that caused many choir singers to backslide because of struggling for economical and healthy well- being, causing decline in membership. Everyone’s survival is not on his or her own but the power of prayer and the intercession of mother Mary, thus a reason to stage the Marian Concert in honor and thanksgiving to Mother Mary.

“We lost our dear fellows, dear family members, co – choristers across the world, our friends and co – workers during the terrible days of Covid – 19 pandemic, but we thank the blessed virgin Mary who led us through, with victory by her intercession. We shall keep praying to the merciful Lord to receive the souls of our dear departed ones.” Music director Mr. Vincent Katende said.

“More of the purpose of organising this for this Marian Concert, since the month of October, 2019, the Catholic Centenary Memorial Choir – CACEMCHO had never held any other concert, and now it also intends to ring bells out to the old and new supporters of the choir”, he added.

In conclusion, the directors and leaders of the choir sent out a message to all Catholics and Christians who still neglect reciting the Rosary and those who still doubt the existence and intercession of our Lady, and said; After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Rosary is the prayer most pleasing to our Lady. No matter how difficult your burden is, she’s there to help if you remember her words of help at the wedding in Cana, Galilee; without her words and connection to the son Jesus Christ, the people would not see a miracle and they would not have the wine. That’s how she acts, she speaks sweetly for us to his son and that’s why we receive.

The Rosary is an armor of victory in war, in bankruptcy, and in violence it brings peace and Unity, She accepted it and through it she hears our cries, and she renders quickest help when faithfully recited.


The Catholic Centenary Memorial Choir – CACEMCHO is a choral group in Kampala archdiocese that began earlier in 1978, and currently animates the 6:00pm Mass every Saturday and the 7am Sunday Mass at Christ The King parish Church, Kampala.