Ugandan Catholics Online (hereinafter “UCO”) is a NOT-for-PROFIT Non-Governmental Organisation, Founded in May 2018 by a group of youths across the country headed by Mr. Alinaitwe Victor , along with Mr. Ocatre Slivers and later Matovu Emmanuel as a social media platform for Evangelizing to Catholics Online with focus to; to guide,serve,and assist the family,the parish,and the local community by providing a combined programme of spirituality,unity and social service activities in promoting the catholic faith among the youths,women and men in Uganda, provision of Catholic programs(Church Events) that are not otherwise provided or available to the Catholics Worldwide and local community who are unable to reach the event through the Media Platforms, to provide First hand Catholic Church News in Uganda and across the World and unite and cooperate with the entire Catholic leaders and Christian communities to ensure the Best Catholic Ministry.

The Offices of the Organisation are suited at Holy Cross Family Ministries Building,Nsambya Parish | Kampala  | Uganda; Which is used as a liaison and coordination office with the regional Offices in all the Arch Dioceses of Uganda i.e Kampala, Gulu, Tororo and Mbarara.

The Organisation puts their patronage in St. Charles Lwanga who took the mantle to preach the Gospel in Hostile grounds with sole aim of uniting everyone to the one body of Christ through the Eucharist. Which Made the Organisation to establish a Motto in “United in Faith


“Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam Ad Quod Totum Parit Nec Orbis Terrarum” /Translated as; To Bring Forth the Greater Glory of God to the Whole World


To share the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Works of the Catholic Church (to the whole world) through the use of the Media for the World to grow in the Eucharist and God’s Word by sharing our time, talents (Music, Sports) and treasures with humility, gratitude and respect whilst following the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ with unity in faith and fellowship, extending love and hospitality to all of our diverse multicultural community.


  • To guide, serve, and assist the family, the parish, and the local community by providing a combined programme of spirituality, unity and social service activities in promoting the catholic faith among the youths, women and men in Uganda.
  • To provide Catholic programs (Church Events) that are not otherwise provided or available to the Catholics Worldwide and local community who are unable to reach the event through the Media Platforms.
  • To provide First Hand Catholic Church News in Uganda and from across the World.
  • To unite and cooperate with the entire Catholic leaders and Christian communities to ensure the Best Catholic Ministry.