Daily  Afternoon Inspiration message and Prayer

Daily Afternoon Inspiration message and Prayer

INSPIRATION… It’s a wonderful thing being in God’s presence, spending quality time communing with Him in fasting, worship, and prayer because we love Him.As christians let’s not be reluctant only calling ourselves into a consecration with God only because we need God to do something for us , We must always consider him in both Good and bad times.

PRAYER…. Father God, we thank you for your “wake-up call” concerning our fasting and consecration time before you. Lord, please help us to not give you lip service, but to spend quality time with you, in spirit and in truth. Keep us from being “clock watchers” when it comes to you. We promise to spend time with God every day. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen 🙏.

[INSPIRATION… As God’s children ,we are reminded not to forget that one day Jesus will come again, heaven will come down to earth with him, and all who believe in him will be able to live with him. Then, with heaven and earth completely overlapping, all creation will be renewed, and we will enjoy full life with the Lord forever (Revelation 21-22).

PRAYER….. Lord, may your kingdom fully come on earth as it is in heaven. Till then, draw us up to you by your Spirit. Amen 🙏.


INSPIRATION… love is patient and kind; it does not envy nor is it puffed up. Love does not provoke or think evil; it does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth; love never fails God wants us to demonstrate agape love because this kind of love is slow to punish or repay those who hurt us but instead bears with hurts and offenses.We must show love because anyone who does not love does not know God.

PRAYER…. God, we thank You for Your love, in which You offered Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. We acknowledge the example you gave us of agape love, selfless, pure, and unconditional love. We believe in the power of God’s love. Lord, just as You are love, help us demonstrate unconditional, pure, and selfless love to those we meet in Jesus’ Name. Amen 🙏.


INSPIRATION…. When we come to the meal Jesus gave us, we receive his body and blood in a symbolic way and in a spiritual way. The Holy Spirit connects us to the risen, flesh-and-blood of Jesus in heaven, and we are connected anew with his once-for-all sacrifice for us.

PRAYER… Lord Jesus, we praise you for your sacrifice, which gives us full, eternal life with you. Help us to live for you each day we live. Amen 🙏.


INSPIRATION….. God wants us to know who our real fight is with, and attacking the person or situation in the flesh is not the answer. This is spiritual warfare. As Christians we are encouraged to take spiritual warfare serious and not praying against the person, we are reminded to bind the spirits in the people in the name of Jesus,” and not to the person who committed the offense instead we are to “bind” the spirit that caused the person to commit the offense.

PRAYER…. Father God, thank you for your word and its promises. Thank you that we can stand on those promises and that your word does not come back void. Lord, help us remember that our most powerful weapon is prayer. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen 🙏


INSPIRATION… Its essential that whenever we are experiencing depression, we must seek God. Consequently, we must seek God for help to eliminate distress, self-pity, and fear. Like Elijah, we must be honest with God about how we feel. He already knows our heart, as He is omniscient.We must never give up, regardless of how we feel or how depressed. You must rest and eat well and be assured that God will never leave you or forsake you.

PRAYER…. Father Lord, I am confident that You have not given me the spirit of fear but of power and a sound mind. So, we pray that you will protect and cover our minds so we will not fall into the trap of the satanic forces of ‘depression.’ We rebuke the spirit of depression over our lives, children, and families in Jesus’ Name. Amen 🙏.


INSPIRATION… Peace is so much more than the absence of conflict. Peace involves people and systems working in harmony together. Peace is an existence full of well-being, in which our ­bodies, our relationships, our environment, and even our governments are healthy. Peace even grows righteousness, which brings flourishing and justice for all. Where there is righteousness, people treat each other with love, patience, and all other virtues. Peace is an existence we dream of, which Jesus brought to us.

PRAYER… Lord Jesus, continue showing us how to live peacefully with our neighbours and everybody else in our daily lives, may you teach us practical ways to be peacemakers where we are today. Amen 🙏.


INSPIRATION… What does it mean to seek the LORD, His strength, and His face continually? That is certainly something worth praying about. The LORD is worthy of being sought after day and night. He is good, mighty, true, and beautiful. The best way to seek the LORD is to pray, go to Church, and read the Bible.

PRAYER… LORD, I will seek Your face. You are strong and mighty. I place my trust in You. God, help me to seek You daily. Give me the endurance to finish the course You have set out for me. Remind me of You when I see Your creation like trees, the moon, the sea, and wildlife. Thank You that Your beautiful creation surrounds me and that there is so much to remind me of You. In Jesus’ name.Amen 🙏 .


INSPIRATION… We boast when we are fearful. We boast when we are unsure. Stop boasting. Check your ego with Jesus. Walk in Him and love your neighbor.

PRAYER …Lord, help us to enjoy our accomplishments without being puffed up by them.
May we always remember that we owe everything to you.
And if we boast, may we boast not in our wisdom, strength, or riches,
But in you, Lord, in your kindness, justice, and righteousness. AMEN 🙏.


INSPIRATION Can you think of someone that you would consider kind and compassionate? The world today focuses on too many people that are selfish and unkind. The kind and compassionate generally don’t favor the spotlight and can often be taken advantage of by those with more nefarious intentions. How did Jesus live His life? Knowing this, how do you think you should live yours?

PRAYER Thank you Jesus for being my guide. I want to walk the path with You, arm in arm, with Your heart in mine. I have not always forgiven those that have trespassed against me, Lord, holding grudges that have burned inside me and caused me to hold onto evil thoughts. I pray that You will help me release these demons so that I can be ⁰more kind and compassionate, as Your son, Jesus Christ, taught me. I pray this in His holy name, Amen 🙏


INSPIRATION… Isiah 9:6-7 concerns the hope of the prophecy being fulfilled that brought us a “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace.” The last sentence of verse seven says it’s “the zeal of the Lord” that will accomplish this. God is excited! He’s zealous (enthusiastic, passionate, obsessive even) to bring us this hope!

PRAYER… May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing, that we may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit this Christmass Season .” AMEN 🙏


INSPIRATION… As we pray through the third advent candle, the candle of joy, may our hearts reflect on the beautiful message from the angel given to the Shepherds in the fields. The angel brought good news of great joy. This is what we have in Jesus; we have the good news of the gospel that God came down from heaven to us in the form of man and lived the perfect life and died a sinners death and rose so that we might be saved.

PRAYER… Dear Savior,
You are the giver of joy and new life. We celebrate You and honor You today. Thank You for your constant care for us. Thank You that we are able to access the fruit of the Spirit’s joy because You came down to us. Thank You that at this time of year, we are able to rejoice and be grateful for Your precious presence with us. We praise You for coming to earth in humility as a newborn child. God, we cannot begin to comprehend all that You have done for us.In Jesus Holy Name we pray, Amen 🙏


INSPIRATION… Naturally, Mary asked how this would happen. The angel said the Holy Spirit would come upon her. Who ever heard of such a thing? Joseph and Mary expected that any child they might have would be a gift from God. But they sure didn’t expect this.that mission would unfold in ways no one expected. As Christians We are reminded to Emulate their son who kept moving forward. With a generous heart, with a courageous spirit, and with toughened soles, he would stick to the path of that mission for the glory of God.

PRAYER… Jesus, you are the pioneer and perfector of faithfulness. Your feet walked the path ahead of us. May our feet keep moving as we walk along behind you. Amen. Amen 🙏


INSPIRATION… What’s unusual about this baby is not his actual flesh and blood, not his appearance, not his behavior. No, what’s unusual about this baby is the identity veiled by his helpless human form. Because this baby is the God “through [whom] all things were made” (John 1:3). This is a wonder.

PRAYER… Heavenly Son of Mary, help us to wonder as we wander through your story this month. Deepen our faith as we encounter your genuinely human glory. Amen. 🙏


INSPIRATION … In the Christmas song “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing” we might recognize the words “veiled in flesh the Godhead see; hail the incarnate Deity.” And if we’re in a thoughtful mood, we might wonder at the mystery of the Word becoming flesh, of God becoming one of us.
That’s why we can’t imagine God really becoming one of us. God is lovely and lofty, perfect and pure.as ­human as any of us? But that’s the truth and the scandal of the incarnation. The eternal Son of God abandons the perfections of divinity to take on the flaws of humanity. And he does it out of love.

PRAYER… Jesus, we can hardly imagine what you gave up to take on what we know in our bones. But that’s what you did for us, and we are amazed. Amen 🙏


INSPIRATION…. Scriptures do not shy away from urging us to keep the commands of God in focus. Moses taught the Israelites, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart ,soul and strength. These commandments are to be on your hearts.Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates” As we engrave love and faithfulness on our hearts, we will grow more open to being led by the Spirit before being led by anything

📖 PRAYER….. Spirit of God, guide me to write your virtues and your will on my heart, that I may not deviate my lifestyle from the true path but to follow Jesus who is the way the truth and Life Amen


INSPIRATION…. Scriptures do not shy away from urging us to keep the commands of God in focus. Moses taught the Israelites, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart ,soul and strength. These commandments are to be on your hearts.Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates” As we engrave love and faithfulness on our hearts, we will grow more open to being led by the Spirit before being led by anything


Spirit of God, guide me to write your virtues and your will on my heart, that I may not deviate my lifestyle from the true path but to follow Jesus who is the way the truth and Life Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…… We cannot gain back the hours we have spent, but, in the ­power of God’s Spirit, as we seek to change how we live, we can make the most of the time ahead of us. How we spend our time—with God and with others—matters.Will our lives reflect the ­majesty of Jesus, or lost time? Paul urges us, “Don’t waste the time that you have.” Aim to live with no regrets. Live fully with the life you have been given in Christ.

📖 PRAYER….Heavenly God, forgive us for the times that we have spent ignoring you and selfishly focusing on what is not important. Help us to use our time wisely, honoring you. Thank you for your grace and Mercies on us Everyday of our Lives . Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Paul Reminds us that if We want to be equipped for spiritual warfare,we need the best equipment. To live into the fullness of God in our lives, we need to understand each piece of equipment and how to use it.The reason we have faith is through his faithfulness to us (shield of faith). And he is our salvation as well as the living Word (helmet and sword). If we are equipped with the full character and blessings of Christ, we have the full armor of God to help us stand. *

📖 PRAYER….* Lord, help me to learn from you and to be like you so that the armor you provide will help us to live into the fullness of faith in you and not to be threatened by any circumstance Amen🙏.

INSPIRATION…. Paul reminds us to stay focused on the Lord and “rejoice always.” He reminds us that conversation with God is important. He reminds us that we are a witness to ­others when we learn to lean on God rather than our anxieties. He also reminds us to remind ourselves of what is true: God’s provision is always ours. As we change our thinking, we remember that through Jesus we have full access to the Father, who hears all our requests and gives us all that we need. And we inherit his peace, which “transcends all understanding.” *

📖 📖 PRAYER…..* Lord, we rejoice that you are always with us. Thank you for peace and for all the riches you give us. Give us the Zeal to always follow and put in action which ever Messages that come from you Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…… We are reminded that our relationship and trust in God should Lead us to share from the depths of God’s goodness and love even in the hardest of circumstances.Are you ready to share about the love and goodness of God, whatever life’s challenges may be? Are you ready to live into the plans God has for you? May you be filled with the fullness of God regardless of your circumstances.

* 📖 PRAYER……* Lord, we may not like or understand the circumstances we are in, but please give us the strength to trust and honor you with our actions amid the challenges we face each day. In Jesus, Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. Each morning is a new opportunity to reflect on God’s work in your life. Each and every day, your slate is wiped clean by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. As we look at our lives from the perspective of victory on the cross, we can know that God is faithful to His promise. That His mercy will not run out. That no matter how far we may feel from Him, He is with us. We have to rely on the perfect, holy, and righteous Savior to do All things for us. And He has and He will. Where in your life do you see God making all things new? Where in your life do you need Christ to intervene? .

📖. PRAYER…. Thank you, Lord, for your new beginnings and unwavering provision. I trust that your peace will watch over me as I step into a new beginning. This year, I will rely on the riches of your love and grace to provide for my physical, emotional and spiritual needs. In Jesus’ name, Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Scripture warns us that we need to be careful with our words and how we use them How often do we think we will be heard—by God or by ­others—when we use many words to try to impress them? Do we try to prove ourselves by speaking quickly, dominating the conversation, and coming out on top? Proverbs 10:19 says that people who are prudent refrain from using too many words. They speak with discretion, wisdom, and discernment. They know that listening is more important than speaking. Jesus was thoughtful and discerning, and that should be our aim as well.

PRAYER…… Faithful God, thank you for loving us despite all our faults and failures. Forgive us if we think you’ll be impressed by our prayers, and help us to be prudent with our words. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION….. The book of Proverbs reminds us that pridefulness is a dangerous road. And although it is entirely appropriate to be satisfied and grateful for our achievements, we must remember that we haven’t reached these places by ourselves. Jesus’ humility shows that even though he accomplished incredible things, he never gave the glory to himself. Whatever he achieved he did out of obedience to the Father and in service to others.

PRAYER….. Lord Jesus, help me to humble myself rather than being prideful. By your Spirit, empower me to be like you. Amen.🙏

[ INSPIRATION… Proverbs 11:25 says that those who are generous will prosper.. In the Bible, prosperity has a lot to do with well-being and flourishing, enjoying the fullness of life as God intends “Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed souls are refreshed through generosity because when we seek the prosperity, health, and wellness of others, we ourselves are refreshed by Jesus in the process. He blesses us with humility, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and more. We become more like him who emptied himself for our sake.

PRAYER… Generous God, you have shown us the perfect example of self-giving love and humility in Jesus. May we become more like him and find refreshment for our souls. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION….. What should we do when we sin? Confess and repent (v. 9). Those who walk in the light don’t simply admit their sin to God. We grieve over it and turn forcefully away from it, hating our sin as He does. When we do so, God is “faithful and just” and forgives us—”faithful” because His love is unconditional, and “just” because Christ has already paid the price. When God forgives, He not only chooses to forget the sin (Isa. 43:25) but also purifies and cleanses us as part of His work of sanctification

📖. PRAYER…..* Holy Father, thank You for Your unfailing forgiveness and love. Diminish our pleasure in wrongdoing and make us grieve over our sin. In all ways, help us turn away from evil and pursue good.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION….. My child, I am always available for men to pray with me, but only very few pray to me.I am neglected and alone, Iam lonely in the empty chapel of adoration in many churches.I am abandoned and left in grief when those I love do not receive my most precious body and blood in the Holy Eucharist. Pray with me always ,that way you will be able to overcome the temptations of the devil. How can you achieve my will when you don’t communicate with me often? Do not seek me only when there is trouble, pray with me every day in this evil world. Wake up and pray because time is short.

📖 PRAYER….. Lord Jesus Christ, please give me your Holy Spirit to strengthen my mortal body for prayer.Help me to always spend quality time with you every day. Lord Jesus Christ, please transform my prayer life. Please wake me from my spiritual slumber and help me to pray Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. They all left me and ran away because they were afraid.My beloved ones ran away from me at the time I needed them the most.People tend to run away from me in a bid to preserve their lives; they do not know that staying with me is the source of preservation. Was there anyone that followed me to Calvary that was hurt? John the beloved was with me; he was preserved and was the only apostle that was not martyred.Do not forsake me in this sinful world; it is the only source of your preservation. Anyone who tries to save his life will lose it, but anyone who loses his life for my sake will save it. You save your life by deciding to let it go for my sake.

📖. PRAYER…… Lord Jesus Christ, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Lord Jesus Christ, I will follow the way of the cross for the preservation of my soul. Give me the grace to carry my cross and follow you. Give me the grace to stand for you in this sinful world. *Amen

*WHAT THE LORD SAYS*. My beloved, for your sake my creatures slapped me on my face. They slapped the face of the one through whom all things were made. They punched me in my face and asked me to prophesy in mockery of my identity. Men spat on the face of the God who sustained their lives. The world is still doing this to me; even my people are still doing this to me. They strike me right in my face and mock me, they are taking my patience for granted. I love that you and all men console my Holy Face which suffered humiliation for your sake.

*📖. PRAYER……* Lord Jesus Christ, I console you for the sorrow that I and the world cause you. I adore your Holy Face which bore many insults from men and is still bearing many insults from men.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS …. My child, do you remember the word in the book of Isaiah 52:14 which says: “Many people were shocked when they saw him; he was so disfigured that he hardly looked human.”?It was the scourging that disfigured me to a point where I hardly looked like a human being.They beat me mercilessly all over my body because of you. With each blow, my flesh was torn away from my body and so much blood gushed out from my wounds.I was scourged until I was deformed until I hardly looked like a human being because of you my child.

📖. PRAYER…. I adore the holy wounds of your most precious body scourged at the pillar mercilessly for my sake.I adore the precious blood that gushed out in abundance for my sake during your painful scourging. Lord Jesus Christ let the marks of your scourging be imprinted in my life and on my soul forever. Help me never to scourge you with my sins. I give myself to you Lord Jesus, and I console you for all the agony and pains you feel,Amen

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… I gave myself to the world but they threw me away along with my sincere love for them.What gift can ever be greater than that which I have to the world?I came down from heaven, giving everything to the world and they threw it away.They threw away my incarnation.They threw away the act of love which made me leave my throne .I was born amid animals for the sake of man but the world threw it away. I fed them and made available my body and blood for them .

📖. PRAYER… My Lord and my God, I thank you for offering yourself to me.I refuse to crucify or reject you and all you did for my sake. My lord Jesus Christ, help me make the most of your passion, your wounds, your blood, your death, your resurrection and your power.I refuse to crucify or reject you but treasure you in the deepest part of my heart.Jesus, I love you, all I have are yours, yours I am and yours I want to be, do with me whatever you will, Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…… My heart grieved so much when my creatures chose to spare a thief and kill their Lord.The choice made, shows the world choosing their enemy over me..The world has abandoned me and has chosen the devil over me.The world runs after the thief and sells their souls to him for the crumbs he has stolen for nations and kingdoms.They have chosen to dine with the enemy and embrace him with open arms than me . *

📖. PRAYER……* Lord Jesus Christ, I choose you this day as my Lord and my God.I reject the devil and all that has to do with him.I reject the empty promises of the devil.I go against the crowd of this age to choose you as my Lord and God.Preserve me Lord Jesus in you.Help me to hate the devil and all his ways.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS….. For your sake, the enemies spat on my face and hit my sacred head violently with a stick, the head upon which rest the crown of thorns. They hit my head causing me great pain and sorrow. They spat on my face with spittle, the face of their God. Humanity spits on my face through rebellion in response to my love and sacrifice for them.Many people don’t want to hear my name.Men do not care that I died, they try all they can to suppress everything about me from their society.

📖. PRAYER….. My Lord Jesus Christ, I console your holy face spat on by the enemies. I console you for the pain you felt when men struck your head violently with a stick. I am sorry for all the times I have stuck you with my sins. Give me the grace to console with my life and never strike. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS…. They mocked my authority and kingship for your sake. The children of the world do not want me to have authority over their lives. My child, as your shepherd and your God, do I have authority over your life?. Do you keep my commandments, does my word have authority over your life? If you place yourself under my authority, my iron rod will defend and protect you, striking a deadly blow to your enemies.

📖 . PRAYER…. Lord Jesus Christ, I ask that you rule over me with your power and great authority. Give me also measures of your authority to adequately represent and promote you in this sinful world.Jesus, I love you, all I have are yours, yours I am and yours I want to be, do with me whatever you will.. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS…. * My child I want you to love me the way I love you My child, you can see the significance of the scarlet robe they put on my body. I, your God who is the model of purity was mocked with the garment of iniquity and evil of the world. I want you never to clothe yourself with iniquity or perversion of any kind. Hate sin, run away from it. Do not allow yourselves to be clothed with the filthy garment of sin and iniquity. Tear off from your body, every filthy garment that may be in your life and never put it on again. *

📖. PRAYER… * My Lord Jesus Christ, I console you for the insult, humiliation and great pains you suffered. My lord Jesus Christ, I tear off with sorrow in my heart every scarlet garment of sin in my life. Lord Jesus, I give you my whole life.Put on me your garment of purity, holiness and righteousness. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… * My creatures shouted; kill him, kill him! Though I committed no crime and did no wrong to anyone. What have I done to my people that made them hate me with so much disgust?They try to kill me at every slightest chance. They make a mockery of me at every given opportunity. Reject the emperor of this world the way I rejected him when he came to tempt me three times in the wilderness. He has nothing to offer to you that will last. Do not sell your birthright in heaven to the devil

📖. . PRAYER…. Lord Jesus Christ, I renounce the devil and all his empty promises. I choose you over and over again as my lord and God. Remove every love for the world and the flesh in my life. Lord Jesus Christ, rule over me and all that belongs to me as the true king of heaven and earth.Jesus, I love you, all I have are yours, yours I am and yours I want to be, do to me whatever you will,Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS….. A creature that turned against his own master, A creature that fell out of glory and was cast into the earth. Anyone who is a friend of the devil cannot be a friend of God.You cannot serve the Creator and His creature at the same time.Anyone who lives in sin is a friend of the God My child, do not bow to the emperor, do not be a friend with darkness.As co-heir with me, you are a king; do not cast your crown away to the evil one. .

📖. PRAYER…. Lord Jesus Christ, I accept your friendship and all you have done for me.I acknowledge you alone as my Lord and personal saviour. Help me to seek you daily as my best friend.Give me the grace never to sin against you or breach our friendship.Help me to press deeper and deeper in intimacy with you. Amen 🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS…. I carried my cross bearing you in mind, you ought to carry all your crosses bearing me in mind.The heavy cross was on me because of the sins of mankind. Even with the loss of blood and weakness, I refused to give up because of your soul. The cross is a sign of my love for you; it is an altar where the only Lamb of God was sacrificed for you.Carry your cross and follow me. *

📖. PRAYER…* Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you and venerate your holy cross which you carried for me. I console you for the holy wounds of your shoulder; bruised, injured and battered for my sake.I adore the most precious blood that gushed out from your shoulder. Lord Jesus Christ, help me to carry my cross and follow you Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… It was not easy for me to carry the heavy cross on my shoulder to Calvary.A man named Simon was forced to carry my cross.Do not be like Simon who had to be forced to carry my cross.Be willing to take my yoke upon yourself for it is easy and light. Each time you make effort or contribute to the spread of my gospel, you help me carry my cross. Carry them and follow me daily in prayers.Do not throw away your cross, it is meant to make you better and not to destroy you. *

📖. PRAYER…* My Lord Jesus Christ, I willingly accept to carry your holy cross. Preserve my soul that it may never be lost. Assist me to carry my cross each day of my life.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… * What use is life when it is wasted? Of what use is it to be made when it all ends indestruction and fire?A great judgement is coming upon the world, and time is short. A time will come when those who make a play with sacred things shall regret it. The end of ages is close at hand but many are playing away with their lives.A time of judgement is coming when all those who live by the standard of heaven shall be rewarded, while those who chose to live in evil and sin shall be punished.It shall come suddenly because no one knows the time or hour except the Father. *

📖. PRAYER…* Lord Jesus, preserve me from eternal death and destruction. As the Judge of this sinful world, please have mercy on me and deliver me from my sins and weaknesses.May I never be found in the midst of the lost. Take my soul now Lord Jesus as your own forever. May I never have any reason to regret the life beyond. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… My child, after my crucifixion on the cross, they sat there and watched me with indifference in their hearts.Many souls sit and watch me at mass, refusing to receive me because of their unpreparedness . Do not receive me in the state of sin. Of what use is being at the Holy Mass when you do not participate in the Eucharistic mystery?

📖. PRAYER… Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, I thank you for instituting the Eucharist to feed my soul and preserve it from eternal starvation.I ask that you help me to receive you worthily in the state of grace all the time.Plant Lord Jesus a deep longing and reverence for the Holy Eucharist in my mind. Remove everything that is hindering me from receiving you in the Eucharist. Amen🙏.

WHAT THE LORD SAYS The soldiers took my garment and divided it among themselves.Men no longer wear the garment of purity but are clothed in the dirt ministering on my Alter.Pray for your priests always that they may never defile my garment.Pray for all those who serve around my altar of sacrifice.Pray for all my priests who have kept themselves and the garment of priesthood which I have placed upon their lives. *

📖. PRAYER….* Lord Jesus, I thank you for the ministry and gift of the priesthood.I commit all your priests all over the whole world into your hands.Preserve the sanctity and purity of all your priests who belong to you.Help all those who are struggling with many trials,temptations.Deliver all your priests who are in danger all over the world.Help all those who work for you in the most difficult parts of the worl.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS My child,Do you go to places you should never be seen as a Christian? or mingle with people who have no regard for me, people who tend to corrupt your soul? My child, be mindful of those you walk with,where you go; there are places a child of God should never be seen.Do not be in places that are occasions for sins.Let your love for me restrict you, that you may be preserved and separated from the world.

📖. PRAYER….. Lord Jesus Christ, I console you for the pain you feel in your left foot.I adore the most precious blood gushing out from your left foot.Help me avoid the occasion of sins.Lord Jesus, preserve me from the children of the dark, that I may not be corrupted.Help me never to be in the wrong places where my life and soul will be endangered.I consecrate myself to your holy wounds and precious blood.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS * There was great agony within me as my right foot was battered and shattered with big blunt nails.It was a bloody sacrifice offered for you to show you the consequences of sin.Flee from sin with all your life because the wages of sin is death; that you may live, Ihad to die for you.My child, what I am asking you to do is not too hard. Live for me, be for me. Stand by me; stand for me in this sinful world on your feet, alert as a soldier and citizen of heaven. *

📖. PRAYER….* Lord Jesus, I adore the holy wound of your right foot.I adore the most precious blood gushing out from your right foot.I console you my Lord and Master for the great agony and pain you endured for my sake on your right foot.May my life console you each day. Help me to walk in your way. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS…. I want all men to adore and give themselves to me as I have given myself to them.Is there any difference in the way you live your life and the way the world does?My child, If you love me, you will live a restricted life for my sake and your salvation.There is nothing that the freedom of the world that the flesh seeks will offer, rather than death and destruction. *

📖PRAYER…..* My lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for this precious sacrifice offered for my sake.Lord Jesus Christ, give me your Holy Spirit that He may control me and restrict me from doing things that are of the world and not pleasing to you.Lord Jesus Christ, make me live a restricted life.Make me die to my flesh and human passion.Lord Jesus Christ, I want to be nailed to your cross, that I may never leave your sight or get lost.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS * The soldiers took my right hand and pierced it with a big blunt nail. My child, hold onto my right hand, it will sustain you from falling.Everything you need from me is on my right hand, if you hold unto my right hand, you will enjoy the fountain of divine provision.Men go the wrong way to the devil, seeking things that are meant for them on my right hand.Before you were made, all that you will ever need in this life has been on my right hand.Do not seek help or anything from the hands of the devil.

📖. PRAYER….. Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound of your right hand.I adore the most precious blood gushing out from your right hand.I place and consecrate my entire self to your right hand, may your right-hand hold and sustain me forever.Lord Jesus Christ may your right-hand break off the hand of the devil from my life and soul.May your right hand keep my soul in check.I pray that you provide for my needs.Amen🙏

Beware of the bitter wine of the devil and the world, it will harm you.It seems to be sweet and enjoyable but it is very bitter to the soul.the bitter wine of adultery,abortion,murder etc .The world is getting drunk from the cup of the devil, whose goal is to poison the whole of the human race.My child, refuse to drink from the cup of evil and iniquity.Beware of the things you watch and listen to, that you may not take in wine mixed with bitter substance. *

📖PRAYER…* I pray and ask you Lord Jesus that you help me not to get contaminated by the devil and the world.Deliver me from the bitter wine of this age and generation. Help me to be mindful of the things I take into my body, soul and spirit. Uproot every bitter thing in my life. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS The cry for divine mercy was first heard on my lips about 2000 years ago when I cried out for mercy to my Father,asking why he had abandoned me.He did not abandon me, rather for your sake, he allowed me to die that you may live.They must embrace my cross and follow my ways.After death, there is no remedy, mercy can only be shown to the living and not the dead. *

📖PRAYER…* Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. Do not allow me to be lost in hell where the cry for mercy cannot be heard.Deliver me from bondage and chains of sin and iniquity.I console you Lord Jesus Christ for the agony you felt on the cross for my sake.Never abandon me Lord Jesus Christ at any point in time in my life.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS My child, my mother is your mother as well.Let her always speak and intercede for you as a child and citizen of heaven.My mother is yours as well. The saints are your siblings in me because my kingdom is one and a big family, with God as the Father of us all.Is my mother present in your home?Are you devoted to your mother, Is my mother present in your life, as she was present at the wedding in Cana? *

📖PRAYER….* Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for giving me a spiritual mother in the person of mother Mary, who could help me through her maternal intercession in heaven.Mother Mary, I beg you to help me serve Jesus every day of my life.Lord Jesus, come into my family along with your mother as my spiritual parents.Help me to love your mother and seek her Intercession always.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS My child, I am the king of the whole nations of the world. This indicates that my death Was for the whole of the human race.Through me, heaven is open to all men irrespective of their race, tribe or nationality.I want you to proclaim my name to the ends of the world and to make souls realize once more that I died for them. What efforts have you been making to promote me in this world?If you haven’t been doing much, start now because time is no more. .

📖. PRAYER….. Give me the grace lord Jesus Christ to proclaim your good news and your message.Strengthen me with your grace and power to work for you. Help me to discover the abilities and gifts you have given to me.Help me serve you with my talents and resources. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS * When God asked Abraham to look up and count the stars,I am the star through whom a nation is built in heaven.I am the king of the world,who laid his life for his people.My life is the cornerstone upon which eternal life is built. If you try to build upon anything that is not my life, it will crash; it will fade away with the passing world.I want to be the king of your life, so that you may be part of my kingdom in the afterlife. *

📖 PRAYER….* Lord Jesus, I build my life for eternal salvation on you; the true cornerstone. I want to be part of your kingdom in the afterlife.Make a special place for me in heaven and help preserve my citizenship in your kingdom.please reign in my life that I may be subject to you alone.Take dominion of my life as my king and my God. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS. My child, what can you learn from the repentant thief? Two thieves were crucified along with me, in the same way, all men were sentenced to death due to sin.One accepted me and was saved and even death could not cage his soul.His death that day became a transition to eternal life.The two thieves are like the people of the world divided into two sides.Death is coming for every man, escape eternal death by accepting me and believing in me.Do not waste this opportunity I offer to you to save your soul. *

📖. PRAYER….* Lord Jesus Christ, I accept you as my Lord and personal saviour.Since you have paid the price for my salvation, I give you my life and all that belongs to me.Remember me Lord Jesus when you come as a king.I am very sorry for all my sins and confess them to you. Please pardon and wash me clean Amen 🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS My child, look at how the world has turned against their master and has joined forces with the prince of this world to insult me.They make a mockery of me, my love and my sacrifice on the cross.My child, look with pity upon me as I hang on the cross and do not join the world to mock the only way through which they can be Saved.I came as a ladder for them to climb into eternal life.So that whoever believes in me, will be saved. *

📖. PRAYER….* Lord Jesus Christ, I console you for all the insults you received on the cross and the insults the world still hull at you in this present time,Your creatures mocked you and made jest of you after all the ill treatment you received.I am very sorry for all my sins Lord Jesus Christ.Have mercy on us oh Lord and forgive us for we have sinned against you.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… The cry for divine mercy was first heard on my lips about 2000 years ago when I cried out for mercy to my Father, asking why he had abandoned me.He did not abandon me, rather for your sake, he allowed me to die that you may live.The silence of my Father was a scream of demand for your soul.Your soul belongs to God.That man may avoid saying in hell: “God, why have you abandoned me
They must embrace my cross and follow my ways.There is a time when no plea for mercy shall be heard. There is a time when silence will be the response from heaven to those who had abandoned me and found themselves in hell.After death, there is no remedy, mercy can only be shown to the living and not the dead.


WHAT THE LORD SAYS… The last wound I sustained was that of my Sacred Heart pierced through my sacred side.from where blood and water poured out for all men.My passion ended with my sacred heart pierced for all men.Consecrate yourself to my sacred heart.My sacred heart is burdened with your worries, pain and most importantly the salvation of your soul.Let your heart always think about me daily, meditate and reflect on my passion always. .

📖. PRAYER… Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound of your sacred side and sacred heart.Let the most precious blood and water gushing out from your sacred heart pour upon me and all men for purification and dedication. Let my heart be intimately united to your sacred heart. Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS…. My Child, after so much suffering, pain and torture, I gave up my spirit for your sake.I sacrificed my life so that you may be saved,It was this same spirit that was given to the apostles on Pentecost which filled them with so much power to preach my message.Long for my spirit, it will help you respect my death and teach you my ways.Surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit to quicken your mortal body. *

📖. PRAYER…. * Lord Jesus Christ, I receive your Holy Spirit which you gave up on the cross for my sake.Let you Holy Spirit be my teacher and guide.Let it fill me with your power and fear of God.May it rule over me, that I may not sin against you, my Lord.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… By the virtue of my death and resurrection, salvation became available to all men.Anyone can come to God through me,The curtain torn showed the end of the Levitical priesthood into a new one.All men can now see the Holy of Holies if they wish, by conscious effort and willingness.Now that the curtain is torn, come in and behold the glory of God. Believe in me and live for me and you will see the Glory of God . *

📖. PRAYER…..* Lord Jesus, help me to make the most out of your precious death and resurrection.May I never undermine the sacrifice offered on the cross of Calvary.Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me and help me and on the whole World.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS… I am the resurrection and the life.My death on the cross conquered real death which is eternal death.My death broke the graves.That is the power of the resurrection in action.If you want to rise at the end of time, make me your best friend; believe in me, hate what I hate, do the things I do and obey all my commands. *

📖. PRAYER…* Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust my soul to you.Raise me by the power of your resurrection at the end of time, that I may not die an eternal death.Lord Jesus, help me make heaven at the end of my life on earth.Amen🙏

WHAT THE LORD SAYS…. My child, look and see how my body is brought down from the cross.The body of the one through whom all things were made.I have paid the price for your salvation,now you owe me your life.God the Father mourns the death of his only Son.I ask that you do not allow all this to be in vain in your life and those around you.

📖. PRAYER…. Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your death for me on the cross.Thank you for dying to set me free from my sin and the wickedness of the world. May my life bring you joy.May my life give you consolation.Lord Jesus,never allow me to be separated from you.Prepare my soul every day to receive you when you shall come to take me.Amen🙏

REFLECTION: We are tasked today to examine our selves,How many times have we Betrayed Jesus by our unrighteousness? In offices, in our actions in whatever we do.How do you relate With people? Do you treat others well? Do you exercise Humility like Jesus who lowered himself to Wash peoples Feet regardless of who he was ?. Are you humble enough? Despising others with Pride because you are richer than them. .

📖PRAYER….. Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry if I have ever betrayed you.I pray for the repentance of all those who betray you.Give me the grace to love you with all my heart and soul. Help all those who serve you on the altar not to betray you and the office you have given to them.Lord Jesus, I love you, all I have are yours, yours I am and yours I want to be, do with me whatever you will.Amen🙏

REFLECTION… The grace of Holy Thursday is knowing that God embraces us despite our weaknesses and imperfections we recognize God’s unfailing gift of undeserved,unconditional, and unifying love for us.Let us overcome our hesitation and on this Holy Thursday, give those with whom we live the gift of love and service by washing each other’s feet and allowing ours to be washed..

📖PRAYER…. O Christ, in your presence we discover who we are.You wash our feet,and we learn how reluctant we are to serve one another.Even as you prepare to give yourself for the sake of the world,we are still seeking promotions and possessions.Our love scarcely suffices to fulfill the requirement of good manners,and yet you invite us to eat with you at your table.Forgive us, and help us to value your presence more dearly,that we may find this meal to be a celebration of joy.Amen🙏

REFLECTION… Do we understand the Passion of our Lord? Do we perceive His sufferings in our souls? Let this holy and purified love consume us so that we can endure, in love, in whatever we encounter in life.Humility should be part of us,as long as we are a live. *

📖PRAYER…* Lord Jesus Christ,Your Cross is the perfect example of sacrificial love. It’s the purest and highest form of love ever known. Help me to understand this love and to accept it into my heart. And as I accept Your perfect Sacrifice of Love, help me to live that love in all that I do and in all that I am. Jesus, I trust in You.Thankyou Jesus for the Cross.In your powerful name I have prayed,Amen🙏

REFLECTION… Holy Saturday is the time to remember family and the faithful who have died as we await the Resurrection, or to honour the martyrs who have given their lives to the cause of Christ in the world. Holy Saturday is a time for reflection and waiting, a time of weeping that lasts for the night while awaiting the joy that comes at Easter. *

📖PRAYER….* Merciful and everliving God, Creator of heaven and earth, the crucified body of your Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy day. Grant that we may await with him the dawning of the third day and rise in newness of life, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.🙏

REFLECTION… As we celebrate Easter and observe Easter,we need to Recall God’s perfect love for all humanity, And seeck his mercies everyday of our lives .May that love fill Us With the expectation for all of the times to come. *

📖PRAYER….* Dear Lord, may I realize afresh today what Your death and resurrection mean for me. Forgiveness, freedom, and the ability to walk with You through this fallen world into eternity. May I always find my satisfaction in You and Your willingness to offer Yourself to me. In Jesus’ Name I pray Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. Do you recognize the Lord’s presence when you hear his word? How easy it is to miss the Lord Jesus when our focus is on ourselves! Mary did not at first recognize the Lord because her focus was on the empty tomb and on her own grief. It took only one word from the Master, when he called her by name, for Mary to recognize him. .

📖PRAYER…. Lord Jesus, may I never fail to recognize your voice nor lose sight of your presence as you open the Scriptures for me and speak your life-giving word. Amen🙏

INSPIRATION… Some times Aren’t we like the apostles? Who wont believe unless we can see with our own eyes. The Gospel accounts attest to the reality of the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. Jesus goes to great lengths to assure his disciples that he is no mere ghost or illusion. He shows them the marks of his crucifixion and he explains how the Scriptures foretold his death and rising. .

📖. PRAYER…. Lord Jesus, open our minds to understand the Scriptures that we may fully comprehend the truth of your word. Anoint us with your power and give us joy and boldness to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed.Amen🙏

The Holy Spirit makes our faith in Jesus Christ come alive Are you like the apostles or like Mary – slow to believe or quick to run to Jesus? Do you doubt because you do not see? We are Christ’s ambassadors and witnesses of his victory over sin and death *

📖. LET US PRAY 🙏* Lord Jesus Christ, increase my faith and hope in the power of your resurrection. And give me joy and courage to be your witness to others and to boldly speak of what you have done to save us from sin and death.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Do you know the healing power and victory of the cross of Jesus Christ? Jesus spoke to Nicodemus of a “new birth in the Spirit” which would come about through the victory he would accomplish through his death and rising.We are called tonight to welcome and to accept new birth in the Holy Spirit.

📖 * PRAYER…..* Lord Jesus Christ, your death brought life for us. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may walk in freedom and joy in the knowledge of your great victory over sin and death.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Even though we are in a world full of disappointment and frustration, Jesus reminded us never to worry about anything. God is ready to take care daily of everything we need. He will help us to survive in the most challenging situations. It is the smallest of the things God can do for us.You should also know that life is worth more than all those material things Whatever you do today, put your worries aside and put God first *

📖PRAYER…* Lord Jesus, I thank you for you never forsake me. Father I request the power to overcome temptation, today Lord, help me trust in you for the best in everything I do because I know you have the best in stock for me and never disappoint me. You promised to take care of everything, and we should not worry; you care about me. So please, dear Lord, Take care of everything today. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. God cares deeply about the poor and the vulnerable.Take time to think creatively about how you can help the poor and vulnerable, a subject close to God’s heart (Prov. 19:17). God warns us against greed, a perpetual temptation for believers (Luke 12:15; Eph. 4:19). *

📖 PRAYER….* Lord, are we guilty of greed? Hard-heartedness? Fear of the future? If there is something holding us back from giving and helping others, convict and change us. Bring to our attention the needy around us.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Throughout these verses there is a concern to treat others well. We are called to respect the elderly,Love people the way we would wish to be loved ,show hospitality to foreigners and be honest in our works.We should live that way because that is how God wants us to be and he treats us the same always .

📖. PRAYER…. Father Lord Your wrath is majestic. Your justice is holy. Your power is incredible. We who are small, weak, and prone to sin rejoice that You are also “gentle and humble in heart” and abounding in love! Give us the grace to Love all humanity unconditionally regardless of their status .Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Even Jesus Christ was tempted in different ways but overcame all.It would be best if you weren’t ignorant of what to do when temptations come. You will continually fall when tempted if you don’t know what to do.Know that Satan won’t come to you physically to tempt you. Instead, he will come as a thought or use situations around. Therefore, you must be careful and stand firm in the word of God. *

📖. PRAYER…* Lord, if any temptation comes my way today, which I know will surely come, help me overcome it. You overcame temptation with word and power. Please give me the right word to speak and the power to overcome temptations. If there is any that is bigger than me, come to my aid and rescue me from it so I may praise your name. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. We have to keep ourselves awake because of temptation. If we sleep spiritually, it would be easy to fall into temptations. To discern temptations and be able to overcome them, we need to be fully awake and conscious of them when coming. Matthew 26:41 “Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Keep yourself awake with the word of God always .

📖. PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, thank you for this morning. I thank you for the night, the sleep, and the safety. It is by your power that I’m alive. Lord, if I am asleep spiritually, if I am not active anymore spiritually, please wake me up by your power. Open my eyes to see and be alert so I won’t become prey to the enemy.In whatever I do today, let my spirit man start to manifest power in your name.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. God will never leave or forsake us,When God remembers you, good thing will surely follow. God always visit with a good news and then a good gift. Don’t think God has forgotten you because of the situation you are in right now. This situation may be the stepping stone to a higher level that will amaze everyone around. If you are praying for promotion and it’s not coming through, don’t worry because when the promotion comes, it will be bigger than you expected.

📖. PRAYER…. Lord, I thank you because you can never forget me. You are always with me and you remember me and protecting me from all dangers. When I call you, you always answer me. When I pray, you answer too. I will never forget your love in any situation I find myself today. Keep me from being distracted by you today by my thoughts and let me focus on you alone.If there is any time that I have given up on you thinking you have forgotten me, please have mercy and help me to build my trust in you. Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Too many times, we hear things that God tells us, but we don’t listen to Him. We are responsible for our hearing abilities and no one else.New Christians hear Christ speak in a quiet voice and understand. But then it seems we lose hearing because God has to speak louder and repetitively.God doesn’t control your life; He allows you to make your decisions. But we all, from time to time, take matters into our own hands and make choices without hearing God’s opinion on the subject. *

📖. PRAYER…..* Oh, Lord, there are too many people with hearing problems today. Their ears need that touch so they can listen to the knock at the door. We praise your holy name and thank you for the many answers to prayers for the past, the present, and the future. Jesus, please help us realize our hearing problem and guide us to the right place for repairs.Lord, walk with us and guide us on the path you would have us travel. In the precious name of Jesus,Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. When we face challenges, we may be tempted to give up or lose hope. But by praying, we can find the strength and perseverance to keep going. So let us pray for strength and perseverance, knowing that God will always lift and carry us through. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER….. Heavenly Father, we ask for strength and perseverance to overcome any challenges or obstacles we may face today. Help us to stay focused on Your promises and to trust in Your plan for our lives. Please give us the courage to face each day with confidence and Strengthen our faith and renew our spirits so that we may continue to serve You and be a light in this world. We ask all of this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION….. As Christian, we should know that not all situations we can handle by ourselves that is why God is there to help us out of these. Exodus 14:14 “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.Don’t make things hard unnecessarily for yourself, give all to God and he will take control. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER….. Lord, you have told us to cast our burden on you and you will take care of us. I, therefore, cast all the burdens that I’m carrying that are weighing me down and hindering me from doing your will on you today. Lord fight for me, fight for my family, take care of me and help me to be free. The burden on my family is lifted today in Jesus’ name. Amen🙏.

INSPIRATION…. But when Elijah prayed, God answered with fire. We Christians should not fear facing those questioning us about our God. We must start to show them how powerful he is.God gave us the spirit of power to show his power for people to see. He gave us the spirit of love so people can see that God is a loving God. And He is the true God who loves everybody.The true God hears his children whenever they call on him, and he delivers them. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER….. Lord, I thank you because you are the true God; in you, I put my trust – nobody can help me the way you have been helping me; for this, I magnify your name. So I declare God’s power to change your life.All my challenges today, all my troubles today, and all my enemies today, show them that you are the true God and let your name be exalted in my life. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. Prayer is not a one-time event but an ongoing conversation with God. We can ask for God’s guidance in every decision we make,By praying, we can also discern God’s will for our lives. When we trust Him, He will direct our paths and guide us in the right direction.Brothren, remember that prayer for guidance and wisdom is essential to the Christian life. We can approach God with confidence, knowing that He hears our prayers. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance and wisdom as we make important life decisions. Please help us to seek your will and trust in your plan for us. Give us discernment to distinguish between right and wrong and the courage to follow the path you have laid out for us. We know that all things are possible with you and that you are our source of strength and guidance. Thank you for hearing our prayer, and we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. As children of God,Let us not forget always to pray for our loved ones, asking God to protect them from illness and disease, to give them strength, and to bless them with inner peace and joy. This is our loving service to them.When we pray for good health, we affirm our faith in God’s power to heal and restore us. In doing so, we acknowledge that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 .

PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, I pray for my loved ones and my self good physical, emotional, and spiritual health. I pray that You will give us the strength and awareness to care for our bodies, the serenity to manage our emotions, and the faith to draw closer to You daily. Please give us the strength to overcome any illness or disease, the wisdom to make healthy choices, and the serenity to deal with stress and anxiety. Please surround us with your healing presence and protect us from all harm.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION….. Christians it’s essential to trust in Gods provision and believe He will help us make wise decisions that lead to success.In addition, we must also strive to use our resources wisely and generously. As we pray for financial stability and success, we should also pray for wisdom to manage our finances in a way that honors God and blesses others. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, we come to You today asking for Your guidance and blessings on our financial endeavors. Help us be good stewards of the resources You have given us, and give us wisdom in all financial decisions. We pray for success in our job and business so that we may prosper and bless others. Strengthen our faith and trust in You, knowing You are our provider and sustainer. We pray for financial stability for ourselves and our loved ones and the ability to share generously with those in need.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. The time of trouble is not the time to move away from God but to be grateful for the salvation and the love he has shown us. Without his love, we won’t be saved through Jesus Christ.So let’s always tell God to show us love, in times of crisis. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER…. Dear Father, you’re my life; all I seek is your love in times of trouble. In you, I live, move, and have my being; you are my peace, refuge, and strength – I know that you love me and can’t allow evil to take over my life. I, therefore, seek your unending love today, Lord, show me your love, and let me overcome every challenge. Let your unfailing love comfort me, in Jesus’ name. Amen🙏

INSPIRATION….. The Bible reminds us , Whoever has Jesus in their life will be saved. Whoever earnestly calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will have eternal life. This is the promise of our Lord. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER…. Jesus, You are the way that leads to the Heavenly Father. Lord, have mercy.You will raise to eternal life all who call upon You. Christ, have mercy.You fill with your joy those who open themselves to your grace. Lord, have mercy. 🙏🙏🙏

INSPIRATION…. A good character is far better than physical beauty.” What we take as beauty is not really what God looks at to judge. Let’s tell God to make us see the true beauty today. A good character with the knowledge of Christ is true beauty, and it attracts favor with God and man.inner beauty lasts longer than physical beauty.Jesus is the source of true beauty; we must depend on him today and ask him to beautify us. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER…* Lord, I have looked for so long on the physical beauty, I have adorned it so much, but now I want to focus on what makes a man beautiful truly – I want to start beautifying my heart because true beauty comes from the inner self, the true beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. I need your spirit to beautify myself, Lord; help me have a good character far better than physical beauty. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. Maybe you are going through a hopeless situation in your life. However, many circumstances can make us feel hopeless. If you are dealing with any of these situations,We may feel powerless and scared ,Instead, we can pray, “God help me,” and ask for strength, healing, and guidance for ourselves or those we love. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.

PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, I come to you in prayer today for my health. I am feeling weak and powerless, but I know that you are my strength and my healer. I ask that you touch my body with your healing power and restore me to total health. I also pray for wisdom and guidance for my doctors and caregivers as they care for me. Give me the courage and strength to face challenges, and help me trust in your love and goodness through it all. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. As Christians, it’s essential to pray for success in earthly things because they are a means to an end and an opportunity to fulfill the vocation we have received from God.It is, therefore, essential to pray not so much for success in a particular area of life but for the full range of success factors.God blesses when we pray to him so we can fulfill ourselves ,achieve our goals, and help others. God wants Our lives to bring him glory. He wants to be proud of Us.

PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, you are my Creator, who has called me from nothingness into existence. You give meaning to my life. Therefore, today I turn to you confidently, asking you for the gift of clarity to help me understand what true success is for my life. Help me know and name what success is in my life so that I can set and pursue my goals. Please show me the right path and give me the wisdom to recognize what is most important in my life. Please help me to overcome the doubts and temptations that cloud my mind and rob me of peace of mind. I trust in you, my Heavenly Father, and ask for your help on the road to success. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.🙏

INSPIRATION…. Being addicted to anything is not what God wants for us. God wants us to rely solely on Him for our provision and support in life,However, we are human and have free will; thus, many people have some form of addiction.Acknowledge your dependence on Jesus and ask for his help and guidance in overcoming your addiction.

PRAYER….. Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You today seeking Your salvation and healing as I struggle with addiction. I believe You are the Saviour and Healer sent by God, and I ask that You touch my heart and body, freeing me from the quagmire of addiction.I ask Your grace to renew my mind and make me a new creation. Please give me the strength to resist temptation. I ask for Your wisdom and guidance so that I can seek the help I need.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. We often face challenging moments that can test our faith and hope. It can be hard to stay positive, but faith in God gives us the strength and comfort we need to get through tough times.When we pray, we open ourselves to God’s love and grace and allow Him to work in our lives in ways we may not notice. This prayer helps us and gives us the strength to endure even when things seem impossible.

PRAYER…. Lord God In these difficult times, we turn to you for comfort and guidance. We ask for hope to fill our hearts and for faith to sustain us. Help us trust in your love and know that you are always with us, no matter our challenges.Please give us the strength to persevere and the courage to face each day confidently. Remind us of your promises and the goodness you bring into our lives. May we find peace in knowing that you are in control and that all things work together for good for those who love you.Amen🙏

INSPIRATIONS…. God is the ultimate provider. That is why it’s important we must Seek his Guidance and put him first in all our Financial challenges,with a prayer or when financial problems or difficulties arise. ask God for help with problems. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, I pray to you, asking for your guidance and strength during this season of financial challenges. I know that with your help, all things are possible, and I trust in your provision for my family and me. I ask that you grant me a financial breakthrough to overcome obstacles and find the resources I need to thrive. Help me to remain positive and motivated, even in the face of difficulty, and to keep my eyes fixed on your promises of abundance and Blessings.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. Prayer for peace in the family is a Christian source of love, harmony, and unity,As Mother Teresa said, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Therefore, praying for peace in the family is one of the most important things you can ever do. So pray, and peace will be back to your family!

PRAYER…. Heavenly Father, I come before you humbly today with a prayer for peace in the family. Lord, you know more than anyone that my family is a gift from your heart. Please help me understand this gift that you have given me. You have meant for my home to be a place of peace. It is not your will for it to be a place of heartache and daily stress. Help each family member in my household function the way that you would have us to. We know that in this world, we will never be able to escape trouble but remind us that you overcame it! As we submit to you, we can also be overcomers in the power of your might and strength.Amen🙏

INSPIRATION…. It’s our responsibility to always tell God to inspire us and help with our weaknesses. Because even with the power man has ,there are things that man can never achieve, which means there are things beyond man.so we need to turn to God to help us in our weakness and whenever we are down . 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 PRAYER…. Lord, your power is far greater and goes beyond man’s understanding. It is by your power that the earth was formed; it is by your power that creatures came to being – Lord, show forth your power in my life and let it inspire me to do things beyond human imagination. Amen🙏.

[5/24, 12:27 PM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATION… We must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things shall be added to us. The only way to have a full and happy life is to give ourselves up to the Lord, to be at His disposal, to seek His glory and honor in everything. Other things that we personally desire will be added .Dread the loss of Heaven and the pain of hell. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 PRAYER…. Lord, we are seeking your salvation, living in obedience to you, and sharing the good news of the Kingdom with others. God, help us secure our future in your kingdom and to keep our eyes fixed on you first at all times than focusing on material things that we shall leave behind after death.We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.🙏
[5/26, 11:55 AM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATION…God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” (v. 5). In this metaphor, “light” means truth, life, holiness, goodness, and purity, while “darkness” means lies, death, unrighteousness, evil, and impurity. Similarly, Jesus had said of Himself: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).Ask your self today , are you in the Light or Darkness.self (Examination.) 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. PRAYER….. Thank You for bringing us into the light. We would never have wanted You if You had not worked this desire into our hearts. We could never have left the darkness if You had not led us out, May you Continue leading the way for us ,Amen🙏
[5/27, 12:05 PM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATION….Trying to be wise in our own eyes is actually not what is best for us. To help our bodies flourish, we need to surrender ourselves to the Lord.God wants to give us his wisdom because he knows it will enable us to flourish. In his love for us, God knows that this true wisdom will release us from worry and allow us to surrender our lives to him—that we may live fully, as he intends for us. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏* PRAYER….* O’ God of all wisdom, help me to be wise in your eyes. By your Holy Spirit, keep me from seeking control and running after worldly ideas about wisdom so that I can focus my attention on you. Amen.🙏
[5/28, 11:55 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION….. * What does it mean, to “trust in the Lord with all your heart”? This means that you can put your trust in God with absolutely everything you’ve got—your emotions, your under­standing, your strength, your intelligence, your whole personhood.In other words, “Trust in the Lord with your entire being.” Don’t let any piece of you fall away or fail to depend and rely on the God who created you.Lean on the Lord, because he knows how to make your paths straight. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏* PRAYER….* Loving Father, help me today to submit my whole self into your hands. Guide me along the way I should go, and help me to lean on your wisdom and understanding. Amen.🙏
[5/29, 12:03 PM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATION…… We cannot gain back the hours we have spent, but, in the ­power of God’s Spirit, as we seek to change how we live, we can make the most of the time ahead of us. How we spend our time—with God and with others—matters.Will our lives reflect the ­majesty of Jesus, or lost time? Paul urges us, “Don’t waste the time that you have.” Aim to live with no regrets. Live fully with the life you have been given in Christ. * 📖 PRAYER….* Heavenly God, forgive us for the times that we have spent ignoring you and selfishly focusing on what is not important. Help us to use our time wisely, honoring you. Thank you for your grace and Mercies on us Everyday of our Lives . Amen🙏
[5/30, 12:23 PM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATIONS… Dear Christians we should always call on the power of the Holy Spirit to empower us to stand firm in times of our adversity. Its meaningless to celebrate the martyrs’ day every year when one is not saved because one can not come anywhere closer to the suffering that the young converts endured. Let us always remind our selves to be guided by the Holy spirit. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 PRAYER… O Lord Jesus Christ, who wonderfully strengthened the Holy Martyrs of Uganda St. Charles Lwanga, Matthias Mulumba, Blessed Jildo Irwa, Blessed Daudi Okello and their Companions; and gave them to us as examples of faith and fortitude, chastity, charity, and fidelity; grant, we beseech Thee, that by their Intercession, the same virtues may increase in us, and that we may deserve to become propagators of the true faith. Who lives and reignes world without end. Amen🙏
[5/31, 12:57 PM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATION… Dear Christians we have been challenged to be witnesses to the inspiration, bravery and unshakeable faith the Uganda Martyrs demonstrated, as we remember their death and the birth of Christianity in Uganda. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 PRAYER… O Lord Jesus Christ, who wonderfully strengthened the Holy Martyrs of Uganda St. Charles Lwanga, Matthias Mulumba, Blessed Jildo Irwa, Blessed Daudi Okello and their Companions; and gave them to us as examples of faith and fortitude, chastity, charity, and fidelity; grant, we beseech Thee, that by their Intercession, the same virtues may increase in us, and that we may deserve to become propagators of the true faith. Who lives and reignes world without end. Amen🙏 HOLY UGANDAN MARTRYS, INTERCEED FOR US 🙏
[6/2, 11:12 AM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATION…. Charles is said to have shouted, “You are burning me, but it is as if you are pouring water over my body! May we all in a prayerful spirit prepare ourselves for the celebration of the Uganda Martyrs Day and may the Holy Martyrs of Uganda intercede for us all. In union with you all. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 PRAYER…. Father God,Through the intercession of The Holy Ugandan Martyrs ,help us always to stand firm in the Truth and be faithful to You and Your commandments. O Holy Mother of God and our Mother of Perpetual Help, whom Blessed Martyr Vasyl loved so dearly, lead us to Your Son Jesus. Give us the courage always to follow Him in all the circumstances of our life.Amen🙏
[6/3, 11:07 AM] Emma UCO 2: INSPIRATION…. The martyrs were crazy, indeed, they were crazy for God. Their faithfulness to God was so strong that they did not give in to human weaknesses. They never showed even the slightest sign of weakness but with courage and prayer on their lips they died. Their conviction in God was beyond explanation. How is your Own?. We are in better position to question our selves about our courag and faith . 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 PRAYER…. Give us Faith, O Lord, that is constant and pure. Your martyrs followed in your footstep by carrying the cross, – help us to endure courageously the misfortunes of life ,give us the Courage to Learn to never to give up in all temptations.Amen🙏

[8/22, 9:50 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION….* God didn’t intend for life to be fair. Seeing good things happen to bad people gets disheartening. But God asks us to be patient. After all, He was patient for us to come to know and love Him. If we ask for justice among others we must also ask for justice for ourselves. We, too, may have been evil before we came to know God.*PRAYER…Loving Heavenly Father* , I worship and praise You, for You alone are worthy of praise. You alone are the living God of truth and love, righteousness and justice. You are in control of the whole earth, despite the evil ploys of wicked men, and one day You will right all wrongs. Thank You that Your desire is to save all those that trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name _Amen.🙏_[8/23, 10:49 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* It’s easy to pick up habits from others, even if we don’t notice it. When the people we surround ourselves with are quick-tempered or hot-headed, we may begin to view their behavior as an effective way to get service or attention. But remember, these habits aren’t effective at becoming Christlike. Are there particular situations where you become quick-tempered? What can you do to calm your anger in the future? *PRAYER….* O’Lord, grant me wisdom to choose my friends wisely. Help me to make good decisions when it comes to the people I allow to be close to me. Protect me from people who are bad influences, who stir up conflict and are easily angered. Keep me from all harm, evil and the plans of the enemy. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray,*Amen🙏* .[8/24, 8:03 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION….* Do you know someone in your life that could use honest and truly kind words? Words have the power to build someone up. You have the power to make a real difference. People carry the words they’ve heard spoken to them throughout their lives. These words can build them up positively or tear them down. One thing is true, your words carry power. Be generous with your honey. *PRAYER…* Gracious Father, be with me today and for the rest of my life whenever I speak to others. Help my words to be pleasant and nourish others. Let my words bring health, joy, and delight. Give me opportunities today to share a kind word, a scripture, or a compliment, so that it can sow a seed of kindness in someone else’s heart. *Amen* 🙏.[8/25, 8:36 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Social media can become an envy trap. We see those who appear to have more fun, more wealth, more success, and more things and our hearts can become ungrateful! Envy almost feels normal in the culture we live in, it can be hard to even notice how it hurts our hearts. God warns us to be careful not to envy but trust that God has placed you in your own life with your specific set of resources to tell a perfectly unique story that only you can tell. Don’t envy the sinners. Live with gratitude for the life God has gifted you! *PRAYER…* Help us not to envy those who are walking contrary to your ways, as if your ways are not good. We know your ways alone are good, so help us not to envy those who walk apart from them. Lord, help us not to desire sin and where it leads, in any way. Keep us from that desire, we pray, all day long, *Amen* 🙏[8/26, 11:01 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Why do people reject advice and correction from our Heavenly Father? Usually it boils down to pride. Pride insists we know better and can do better than God. We deceive ourselves into thinking God doesn’t have our best interest in mind. This is a lie! Start early at being humble and less prideful. You will gain much more wisdom over time and have a more successful and peaceful life. Listen to God’s advice so that you do not regret. *PRAYER…* O God, I need You and Your wisdom. Thank You for the work that You have done in my life. Yet, I need greater understanding and discernment. I pray that I would grow in prudence, knowledge, and discretion, *Amen* 🙏[8/27, 10:00 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Ever wonder if someone is a Christian? Take a look at their life. Do they express joy? Do they show love towards everyone? Do they display uncommon gentleness? The above qualities are inherent to the Holy Spirit. While these characteristics may not always be evident, it becomes a reflection of how spending time with God will produce these uncommon characteristics. What about you? Have you been spending time with the Holy Spirit to produce this kind of fruit in your life? *PRAYER….* God, may the fruit of your Spirit be more evident in us today than yesterday, and tomorrow than today. Make us the people who are exuding, displaying, illustrating, demonstrating Spirit-filled love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, *Amen* 🙏[8/28, 11:42 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* God cares about how we treat other people. While our salvation is a free gift, it is a gift that inspires us to show the love of God to others. How we do for the “least of these” has spiritual value! Social justice has the biggest impact on the marginalized groups in our communities. If we want to be those that show care for people in need we have to care about just the policies, systems, and actions that are common in our society. When we start seeing God’s heart for the needy, a passion to act, serve, love, and come alongside those in well up in our hearts.and God is calling us all to be people that show His love to our world. *PRAYER…* Lord God, empower us to serve others in the way that we do best. Please be with us as we go through life, and help us to approach others with the same compassion and care that you taught us through your Son, in Jesus’ name we pray, *Amen* 🙏[8/29, 11:42 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* God wants you to be happy! He loves when your life is filled with laughter, beauty and joy. He created you for pleasure. To take in the beautiful painted sunsets, to relish the giggles of your children, to enjoy the comfort of your spouse. When you consider God’s plan for your life, don’t forget, God’s people are called to be happy.*PRAYER….* Heavenly Father may we be blessed because Jesus is our Lord! I pray today that we will know Jesus as our Savior; that we may allow You to rule our lives; may we see the blessings in having a relationship with you, so that we can recognize your blessings daily present in our lives. *Amen* 🙏[8/30, 9:59 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* We are made for action. When we become static, our lives start to fall apart. When we stop moving forward our health declines, our relationships suffer, our bank accounts can’t survive, and our mental health deteriorates. Believers, forward motion is required to follow the narrow way that the Bible describes as leading us towards Heaven. What are you doing in this season to move closer to your Creator? *PRAYER…* Lord God, give us the strength and boldness in our soul to rise up and do what Your Word commands. May fear, stubbornness, laziness and lack hold us back no longer. We need You Lord more than ever.We pray thi a.c through Christ our Lord, *Amen🙏*[9/1, 11:56 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Do you seek pride through being right when you argue? Quarreling doesn’t bring God praise or glory. Affirm your honor by avoiding a fight. By doing so, God will bring peace to both parties. The next time you find yourself treading closely to a fight, test your honor. Can you back down without losing your honor?*PRAYER…..* Father God,I pray for help to know how to avoid a fight, prevent a war, and sidestep a foolish argument while still standing strong for You, goodness, godliness, and justice. I ask this in the precious and powerful name of Jesus. *Amen* 🙏[9/2, 11:25 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* There is more to almost any situation than what we can observe with our eyes. Wisdom tells us to test the things we come in contact with to determine if they are good or evil. When we find the good in this life, hold fast to it. The good is from our God and is precious to him. *PRAYER* Heavenly Father, instil in me a desire to know You more and to study Your Word diligently and prayerfully so that I may be approved unto God. Help me to examine all things carefully and to hold fast to all that is good, genuine, and true, as outlined in Your Word of grace. In Jesus’ name I pray, *AMEN🙏*[9/4, 11:57 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION….* Are you thinking of making changes in your life soon? You don’t have to have everything figured out. That’s the beautiful part of this verse. God will open the right doors to allow His will to be done. Trying to choose a college? Wondering about your living situation? Thinking of applying for a new position at work? God can handle it, just seek out His will by testing out different opportunities. Pray that God can show you His will for your life and ask for the courage to seek out new opportunities.*PRAYER….* God we yield our plans to you from this moment forward , we lay our plans down and we pray you have your way. Have your way in our lives, have your way in our families,in our Jobs, in all our plans, have your way in our churches, have your way with us we pray, *Amen* 🙏[9/6, 11:56 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION….* Apart from the Lord we are condemned to death and an eternity separated from God’s goodness. The only way we can become a part of the light is to surrender our lives over to it. There are no pure and good people apart from God at work in their lives. Jesus is our only path to finding a good life.*PRAYER….* Heavenly Father, with unbounded trust and confidence that you are with us at all times, our defender, our protector, our counselor, our strength and refuge because you are omnipresent and omnipotent, we cleave to you for safety. We seek you in pleasant and peaceful pastures, and look to you for preservation.We put our absolute trust in you, Lord, not only for our salvation and eternal life with you, but for our everyday distresses and tribulations, *Amen*🙏[9/7, 9:47 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION….* Apart from the Lord we are condemned to death and an eternity separated from God’s goodness. The only way we can become a part of the light is to surrender our lives over to it. There are no pure and good people apart from God at work in their lives. Jesus is our only path to finding a good life. *PRAYER….* Heavenly Father, with unbounded trust and confidence that you are with us at all times, our defender, our protector, our counselor, our strength and refuge because you are omnipresent and omnipotent.We seek you in pleasant and peaceful pastures, and look to you for preservation.You have rescued us, redeemed us, delivered us from destructible bondage given us your providence and have made an everlasting covenant by giving us citizenship in Heaven,We put our absolute trust in you O Lord, *Amen* 🙏[9/8, 11:00 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* There is nothing wrong with building up savings and having financial security, but it is unwise not to share the excess.Generosity stems from a rich relationship with God. Why not honor God by being generous towards those in need? You will most certainly store up treasures in the Kingdom of Heaven. *PRAYER….* Don’t let me be like this foolish man, Lord, who spent his life storing up earthly treasures for this world while completely neglecting his eternal home and savings account. Help me to be rich in good deeds, kind words, and acts of love. Help me to be sympathetic and empathetic to those around me who are hurting.In Jesus’ name, *Amen*🙏[9/9, 12:11 PM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Though there may be distractions, such as menial quarrels or long work days that keep you emotionally distant from your spouse, remember that God made your spouse just for you. Keep your promise to God and honor your spouse by giving them something valuable: your time.*PRAYER…..* Purify my motives, thoughts and actions Enable me to enjoy the life, spouse, and family You have graciously given me Thank You for my spouse and familyMake me content and thankful for the portion You have assigned meShow me how to not waste my leisure and luxury Prevent me from wasting my marriage through sin, selfishness and stubbornnessShow me what sin,selfishness and stubbornness I need to repent of,In Christs Holy name, *Amen*🙏[9/10, 12:40 PM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* One valuable aspect of being a Christian is looking for the good that God makes out of every situation. God is always at work and has a greater purpose, even if we don’t recognize it. Seeing God’s blessings in tough situations will lead to praise and gratitude. When you begin to look for God to show up in your life, He will be there doing marvelous things and you will be filled with joy. Have you looked to find God’s work in your life yet? *PRAYER….* Creator God, I praise your name with my whole heart. I am devoted to you and committed to you. I will work today and every day to follow your word. Along the way, I will share with others about your marvelous works. May you continue your wonders in my life, You have all of my praise , *Amen*🙏.[9/11, 11:20 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Do you worry about tomorrow? Remember that God has a beautiful plan for you. Simply do your best in the things that you know, and lean on God for the worries that are out of your control. God may not give you your version of a perfect day tomorrow, but have faith that He has bigger plans for you in due time.*PRAYER….* Lord Jesus, thank You for making the perfect plan for our lives; plans for good and not for harm. Thank you for protecting us while we are led in the way we should go. We may not always understand why things are the way they are or where exactly we are headed, but we trust You. We Thank You for Your master plan Jesus’ name, *Amen* 🙏[9/12, 9:50 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION….* Have you ever prayed when it seems like heaven is covered with a steel curtain? Have your prayers ever been met with silence? Do you ever pray and it seems like you are talking to yourself? Zechariah and Elizabeth’s story in Luke 1 reminds us of this truth: God is always listening. God hears our every prayer. “Your prayer has been heard.” These are the words the angel spoke to Zechariah in Luke 1:13. Seven decades of praying, and God heard every single word. *PRAYER….* Lord God Give me the faith to pray persistently, like Zechariah. Help me to trust Your answer,knowing that You always do what is best.In Jesus’ Name, *Amen* 🙏[9/13, 4:07 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* The power of persistent prayer is incredible. Strength rises up in your voice as you continuously seek God’s answer to your prayers. Rest assured that He will always answer: through fulfillment of your prayer, a firm “no,” or by guiding your heart in a different direction, causing you to no longer seek the answer to that prayer. Go ahead and pray a specific prayer daily. *PRAYER….* Heavenly Father, Give me the faith to pray persistently, like Zechariah. Help me to trust Your answer,knowing that You always do what is best.In Jesus’ Name, *Amen* 🙏.[9/14, 11:39 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Excess is a real struggle for many in our culture. With freezers full of frozen food, clothes for every season, and shelter for our cars, it’s no wonder we’re so proud. We must not forget where these provisions come from. Don’t forget to thank God everyday for all that He has provided. Not only does it show appreciation; most importantly it will keep you humble. *PRAYER…..* Father God, I thank you for meeting all of my needs according to your riches in Christ Jesus.I pray for the grace not to forget you when things are going well; and I should always give credit to you for all the good in my life,May I always seek Gods name and praise you daily, *Amen*🙏[9/15, 8:49 AM] Emma UCO 2: *INSPIRATION…* Sometimes we allow our emotions to overpower our self-control, especially in situations of conflict. In our culture, we’ve learned to immediately invite a third party to resolve disputes. Sometimes the third party is our legal system. Other times it’s a level of authority slightly above us, such as our neighborhood homeowners association. God challenges us to use our Godly wisdom to handle conflict. Why not handle differences directly with the other person through the filter of the Holy Spirit that lives in you? *PRAYER…* Abba Father, eternal and just judge of all, Help me never to shame you or your saints before the world. How could I dare seek arbitration with a brother before a judge who does not even know about Christ’s way,Give me your Godly Wisdom on how to approach and handle issues with all humanity .In Jesus’ Holy name Ipray, *Amen🙏*