8 Priests and 11 deacons Ordained in the Archdiocese of Mbarara
Like many other Archdioceses and Dioceses, the Archdiocese of Mbarara today under the stewardship of His Grace Archbishop Lambert Beinomugisha ordained Eight Priests and Eleven Deacons.

In his homily, His Grace Archbishop Lambert has urged the Ordinands to preach the Gospel with Love and passion. He also thanked the parents for the good up bringing of their children.

Fr Benjamin Wise the Representative of the Ordained thanked God, the archbishop and the hands they’ve passed through since they joined the seminary and Promised that they will obey them and ready to seek for advise from the elders and asked all Christians to pray for them.

In attendance were Honorable Minister Raphael Magyezi, The of Council of Laity Mr Gervase Ndyanabo who also appealed to the Ordinands to give people the message of hope due to the times we are in.
The Mass was celebrated following the the S.O.Ps and the Ordinands we’re urged to not to celebrate Mass at their homes and he immediately appointed them to different parishes.