3 Ordained Priests and 5 Deacons in Kasese, Bishop warns priests on Pride
The Bishop Of The Catholic Diocese of Kasese, in Mbarara Archdiocese, the Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale ordained three deacons as priests and five seminarians as Deacons yesterday 29th June 2024 at St. John’s The Evangelist Minor Seminary Kiburara in Kasese District.
Presiding over the ordination mass, he began his Homily with a call on Ordinands and All ordained Priests to minimize tendencies of pride for being in the Priestly ministry, uttering it as a devil’s work. He explained and said the “Don’t you know, I am a Priest!” Statement that has commonly come out of priests in public and anywhere, is a sign of pride, where they forget that being called to the Priesthood of Christ isn’t their Will or knowledge but God’s, for his service and the service of his people.

“I myself didn’t know I will be the Bishop of the Diocese of Kasese, likewise, did you know you will be priests? Where you sure that this honor will be yours? Dont misuse it and kill it with pride!” Bishop Kibira Challenged priests and Ordinands.
The Prelate also called on parents to prioritize good parenting for the sustainability of the church as also a way to have responsible citizens, servants and ministers of the church.

The newly ordained priests include Rev. Fr. Fredrick Masereka from Kasanga Parish, Rev. Fr. Moris Thembo from Kasese Parish and Rev. Fr. Ednus Mumbere from Kakone Parish.
Deacons who were ordained are Rev. Dn. William Kule, Rev. Dn. Phillip Mikanyu, Rev. Dn. Landaus Baluku all from Nsenyi Parish and Rev. Dn. Robert Kule, Bukangara Parish and Hillary Katsetsere from Kasanga Parish, all parishes in the Diocese of Kasese.

Referring to the little girl from Mubuku Catholic Church in Hima parish who took the second reading smartly, the Ordinary called for need of having educated leaders in the church, which he said can be achieved through investing in children education , in reference also advising the newly ordained priests and deacons to be obedient to everyone since it’s their effort for the far they have gone with education and then, take good care of the vocation through offering sacrifices as well as listening to advices from the clergy, parents and public.
He finally warned parents against practices of domestic Violence and other related bad habits which have hindered the economic development and Education in Kasese District.

The Kasese District Woman Member of Parliament Hon. Florence Kabugho, present at the function, appreciated priests and Deacons for the milestone achieved, and asked all Christians to pray and support them in their ministry.