Daily Reflection Wednesday 27th July 2021

Daily Reflection Wednesday 27th July 2021

28th July 2021

Matthew 13:44-46


You will never regret your time, money and energy spent seeking after the Kingdom of Heaven. The reward is incalculable. You will never regret serving Jesus Christ. The joys are indescribable.

Making the Kingdom of Heaven your number one priority will bring a foretaste of heaven to earth. Forsaking all fake pleasures and perishing promises of this world for a greater gain, joy, and eternal happiness in heaven is no loss at all.

Jim Elliot once said: “he is no fool – who givesupwhat he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” Choosing Jesus and his Kingdom is a decision; you will never regret.

Lord Jesus, help us to keep our eyes fixed on your Kingdom. Though the things of earth may try to allure, may your Kingdom be the priority number one of my life. Amen.