Daily Reflection Wednesday 1st September 2021

Daily Reflection Wednesday 1st September 2021



Luke 4:38-44

Have you ever felt like no one cares? That no one understands and does not want to understand? Well … Jesus Cares. Every healing Jesus performed was an expression of Divine Mercy. It was an acted parable saying that Jesus cares.

Some ofus today need to be reminded in the midst of our troubles that Jesus cares for us. He loves us. Even in your trials, Jesus has not left you – in fact, in the time of your trouble, Jesus is near to you – as close as your breath! His grace is sufficient in every circumstance.

Jesus, thank you for your care aboutme. I know that you care about every aspect of my life. Jesus, keep me in your presence and don’t let me be separated from you. Amen.

Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi