Daily Reflection Wednesday 18th August 2021

Daily Reflection Wednesday 18th August 2021


Mt 20:1-16

Take heart, struggler. Keep asking, seeking, knocking. Keep looking to Christ. Some people may discourage you up by telling you it’s over. Do not give in. It is not over.

Your situation could change any time, even on the eleventh hour. Hang on to your faith and refuse to lose hope even if it seems like “time is running out.” As long as you’re breathing, the game is still on. Revive your dreams.

Start believing again. Keep believing. Keep hoping and trusting in Jesus. I tell you: it’s not over yet – your time will come.

I will keep hoping and waiting on the Lord. My time and season of breakthrough will come. My time of Divine visitation is on the way in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Rev Fr Alexander Mwebembezi