Daily Reflection Sunday 17th October 2021

Daily Reflection Sunday 17th October 2021


17th October 2021

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Mark 10:35-45

“Whomever wishes to be great, among you will be your servant … For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.” Service without sacrifice is incomplete. Service that does not involve sacrifice becomes self-serving. When sacrifice is combined with service, there is a transformation that is completely focused on the well-being of others. Avoid the trappings of power and position. Use influence to help to others. True greatness is about service and sacrifice.

Dear Jesus, thank You for living a life of service and sacrifice. Thank You for giving us a better way to live. Help us to resist the trappings of power and position. If You do give us influence, let us use the influence for the well-being of others sacrificially. Amen

Rev fr Alexander Mwebembezi