Homily shared by Msgr John Wynand Katende on mission Sunday 2021 at Lubaga Cathedral
Today is Mission Sunday. Mother Church dedicates this Sunday towards spreading of the Gospel throughout the world that all may be saved.
Jesus was the first missionary as we read from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that everyone who believes in Him might not Perish but might have eternal life” And from Luke 4:14-20.when He revealed His mission to in His home town.
By virtue of our Baptism, we are all supposed to participate in proclaiming the Gospel.
The Theme of this year’s celebration is, “For we cannot stop speaking of what we ourselves have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20)
Christ came to save us. He didnot want to do this alone. He did it with the disciples. As we read in Matthew 5:1-11 Jesus taught the beatitudes as the new attitude. The key principle to fulfilment these was to rely on God and not on human wisdom.
The Apostles witnessed Jesus feeding the hungry, healing the sick, touching lepers, and identifying with those in need and we are called upon to do the same.
The early Christians faced alot of challenges as they witnessed Christ but they strong. They however turned the challenges into opportunities to spread the Gospel.
We also face challenges especially the Covid 19 Pandemic. Unfortunately people have misused the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to distance themselves from others in need. Pope Francis teaches us that this is a moment to be Good Samaritans as we read from *Luke 10:25-37*. We therefore join the Good Samaritans Apostolate in celebrating their 10th Anniversary of service. The Good Samaritans Department is not a Non Governmental Organisation but an Apostolate. It enables us to build a Community of belonging as emphasised by Pope Francis in his Encyclical Letter, *”Fratelli Tutti” No.36*
We are challenged by many religious sects have come up and they are attracting so many young people. The devil is nolonger seducing people of God from abandoning their faith but is attracting people towards easy faith that “preaches” prosperity and miracles. Many false prophets have come up and they are proclaiming the prosperity Gospel.
The devil is also tempting Politicians to weaken the religious institutions in the name of liberating people not knowing that people who are not grounded in the Lord are challenging to lead.
Mother Church is therefore called upon to be more prophetic and visionary emulating Christ their Master.
Sharing the faith with others is charity especially especially when the parents share their faith with one another together with the children.
St. Francis urges the young people to join the mission of spreading the Gospel. On 20th October, the Church celebrated the martyrdom of Blessed Daudi Okello and Gildo Irwa while they were on a mission. They were beatified by Pope John Paul II. Charles Lwanga and companions who were also youths were martyred. They were cannonized by Pope Paul VI on 20th October 1964.
On this day, the Mission Sunday, we pray for those who have not yet witnessed Christ that they may get to know Him. We also pray for those undergoing persecution that the Holyspirit may strengthen them in Faith to boldly say, “For we cannot stop speaking of what we ourselves have seen and heard”