Tears of Joy, Ordained after 10 years a Deacon
Rev Fr Simon Chris Mutuku a Kenyan by origin was on Saturday February 25, 2023 ordained a Roman Catholic priest in the order of Melchizedek after serving 10 years as a deacon.
All Catholic faithfuls know that the transition from deaconate to priesthood takes only one year, but it took Fr Simon Mutuku 10 years to be ordained as a priest.

All catholics faithful know that the transition from deaconate to priesthood takes only six months to one year, but it took Fr Simon Mutuku 10 years to be ordained as a priest.
His classmates are now clocking 10 years in the vineyard of priesthood but he was ordained firstly on Saturday as a new priest by Archbishop Kivuva of Archdiocese of Mombasa in Kenya.

Indeed, he is a good example of “He was made to be a Priest”.Others may quit or involve themselves in other vices, which may lead to expulsion from seminary, but Newly ordained Rev. Fr Simon Mutuku strived until he fulfilled his dream to be a Catholic Priest.He is originally from Mombasa Kenya, St Patrick’s Parish in Bangladesh-Mombasa.
The discernment of the Catholic Priesthood takes a rigorous process and many stages of formation. You may know the years it will take but you can’t ascertain if it will surely be when the times comes.

The Catholic Priesthood is a gift not a birth right. No one take that honour upon himself rather it’s been given by God.Patience, perseverance, determination, prayer and in all Call from God to be a Catholic Priest. Congratulations to Fr. Simon.
Note: For a grave reason a Deacon may be delayed from getting Priestly ordination till the issue is ratified, (if proven innocent then he will be ordained).—Augustine Mario