Bishop of Lira Catholic Diocese on the Forefront of environmental conservation

Bishop of Lira Catholic Diocese on the Forefront of environmental conservation

Fr Isaac Ojok

The Bishop of Lira diocese Rt Rev Sanctus Lino Wanok has implored the populace in Lango sub region to refrain from contaminating environment in a bid to protect the natural creatures.

He made appeal on the occasion to mark patroness of St Clare Orphanage home in Aber Catholic Parish Lira diocese noting that it is timely for the population to remain responsible in protecting common home.

Bishop Sanctus Lino Wanok who participated in the recent 20thAMECEA plenary which started on 10th-18th July 2022 stressed the need for people to safeguard environmental features like trees, pastures among others.

According to Bishop Wanok, currently the community at the moment should stay away from bush burning, imploring that all villages in Lira diocese should form “fire vigilante”, in a move to avoid unnecessary bush burning.

He went on to ask the public to avoid dumping plastic materials or the polythene products on the environment in order to protect the earth, other preserved remains from suffocation.

The prelate further exhorted all families in Lira diocese to designate a point in their homes from where all plastic products or polythene materials used can be collected so as to have healthy and productive environment.

He urged all families in Lira diocese to begin implementing initiative of tree planting in their homesteads in the struggle to reduce soil erosion which is at its peak in some places in the country and also to battle global warming and its erratic consequences in the lives of human beings.

The Bishop also decried the rate of conflicts among the community members over ownership of resources especially lands and advised people to use amicable means of dialogue and reconciliation to resolve conflicts in a move to live peacefully.

He further advised members of the public to use resources God has given profitably for the common good so as to benefit all.