Catholic Church in Uganda Launches Preparations for the Synod on Synodality

Catholic Church in Uganda Launches Preparations for the Synod on Synodality

The catholic church in Uganda today has launched the National preparations for the synod on synodality at St Noa Mawagali Cathedral Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese by the Chairman Uganda Episcopal Conference and Bishop Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese Rt. Rev.Anthony Zziwa

The Launch started with Mass led by the Bishop himself Live on Ugandan Catholics Online, Uganda Catholic Television and other Local Media platforms.

“According to the code of canon law of the Catholic church, the Synod of Bishops is that group of Bishops that has been chosen from different regions of the world and meet at stated time to foster a closer unit between the Roman cognitive and the bishops in order to assist the Roman Cognitive with there council in safe guarding and increasing faith and morals and in preserving and strengthening ecclesiastical discipline”. Bishop Zziwa Explained.
Bishop Anthony Zziwa during the celebration of Mass

The Bishop further told the Congregation that It’s the role of Synod Bishops to discuss the questions on their Agenda and to express their desires about them but not resolve them or issue decrees about them unless the Pope has in certain case endorsed the synod with a relative power and in this event its his roles (Pope) to ratify these decisions.

“Pope Francis is calling for togetherness as christians and we evangelize the gospel in this synod”, the Bishop Said.

He further called Upon all Christians to participate in this Synod under the theme; For synodal church: communion, participation and mission.

Congregation during the Launch of Synod in St Noa Mawagali Cathedral


Asynod can be described as an assembly usually convened by the Pope or local bishop to consult representatives of the people and make decisions on matters affecting the entire Christian community in the Universal Church or a particular Church. Hence, we have Synod of Bishops when the Pope convenes bishops from different regions of the world. When it is a diocesan synod, the local bishop convenes representatives of the different parishes, institutions and sections of the diocese.Synodality is basically journeying together. The Pope is calling upon the Catholic Faithful to walk together as a Church. This entails listening to one another and participating actively in the Church’s mission of evangelization. Each one should have a contribution to make for the growth of Church.

The Pope desires that the Church strengthens the active participation of all the People of God in the life and ministry of the Church. Hence, the theme of the Synod is; “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission”.

What is being launched is the process of consultation on how this “Communion, Participation and Mission” can be realised. In other words, how can synodality (journeying together) be realised in the Church?The views collected from the People of God around the world will be discussed during the Synod of Bishops at the Vatican in 2023.It is this Synod of Bishops of 2023 that is being called the Synod on Synodality. We could also call it the Synod on journeying together.