Daily Reflection Friday 15th October 2021

Daily Reflection Friday 15th October 2021


Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

15th October 2021

Luke 12:1-7

His eye is on the sparrow. God will not forget us. He even knows your hair. An average person has approximately 150,000 hair follicles of them and God knows it all.

He cares about the things we think are big and important and He cares about the small details. So, stop being anxious! Fear not the circumstances that seem to be against you.

God loves you beyond measure. He cares for you to see you through.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unfailing and perfect concern for every detail of my life. Thank You for Your perfect attentiveness to my needs. May I always trust in Your perfect care for me and surrender to Your loving providence. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi