Daily Reflection Friday 3rd September 2021

Daily Reflection Friday 3rd September 2021


3rd September 2021

Saint Gregory the Great, Pope

Luke 5:33-39

“And nobody puts new wine in old wineskins; otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins and run to waste, and the skins will be ruined. No; new winemust be put in fresh skins.”The new wine of an experience of Christ cannot be put into the old container of a selfish and sinful character.

We cannot continue to do business as usual and expect new results. For a new life to happen in our lives the old needs to be removed. You can’t get new results with old behaviours. New results require new behaviors. Period.

Dear Jesus, make me a new creation. Give me the courage to shed the old wineskins of things that contradict Christian character. Transform me and renew me completely. Amen.

Rev Fr Alexander Mwebembezi