Daily Reflection Monday 26th July 2021
26th July 2021 Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Gospel-Matthew 13:31-35
Jesus started small with 12 disciples. And yet, Jesus’ kingdom has spread over the entire earth and it is still growing. Each time we tell someone about Jesus, we are helping to grow the kingdom of God. When Jesus is involved, something small can be transformed into something great.
If you look at the people the Lord used most throughout the centuries, you’ll see that even the greatest of these started out small.
Size doesn’t matter – even the tiniest seed can produce a great big tree. A small beginning is better than no beginning. Despise not small beginnings. Do you hear that word?
Lord Jesus, help me to realise that there is hidden greatness in small things. I will therefore not despise the smallness of where I am. I will not despise small beginnings. Amen.
Rev Fr Alexander Mwebembezi