Daily Reflection Saturday 24th July 2021
24th July 2021
Matthew 13:24-30
“Let both the wheat and the weeds grow together until the harvest,” Jesus teaches us. The world will always be a place of good and evil, where the kingdom of God grows right alongside sin and evil. The world will always have its “weeds.” Don’t pull out the weeds. Don’t judge others around you. Pray and do your part well. Counteract evil with good.
What Jesus asks of us is to make sure that we are not becoming “weeds ourselves”! Let us be faithful to God, grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we let that be our focus, God will take care of the harvest.
Loving Lord, help me to not be combative with others. When I experience evil, help me to not get angry and aggressive. Please calm my spirit so I don’t seek revenge. Instead, help me to proactively choose goodness. Allow me to be patient, but faithful. Amen.