Daily Reflection Saturday 4th September 2021
Luke 6:1-5
“The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” By telling the Pharisees that he is “the Lord of the Sabbath”, Jesus was saying that he is God. And as God, he is Lord of the Sabbath, for he is the one who in fact created the Sabbath. Keeping the Sabbath is all about walking with Jesus. He is the focus. It’s about submitting to His lordship. Jesus’ lordship extends beyond the Sabbath, beyond one day in seven to every day of the week. Jesus is Lord of time; all time.
Dear Jesus, I believe and declare that you are the Lord of my life and Lord over all things. You are my focus. I pray that you forever remain the center and the circumference of my life Amen.
Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi