Daily Reflection Sunday 22nd August 2021
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Joshua 24:1-2,15-18
Eph 5:21-32 John 6:60-69
“Choose this day whom you will serve” because that may well set the direction for the rest of your life. If we will truly put Jesus first in our lives, he will save us a thousand disasters and ten thousand heartaches. Choose today whom you will serve because that decision will determine your eternity.
Seek out for Jesus Today! Tomorrow might be too late! Satan’s greatest lie is that you have plenty of time to get right with Jesus. Choose Jesus Today! Jesus is the one with the message of eternal life. Jesus is the Holy One of God. Jesus is the Living and Loving Savior.
Dear Jesus, I choose you as my Saviour and Lord. I give myself to you. Come reign in my heart, fill me with your love and your life. Restore me, Jesus. And be glorified through me now and in eternity. Amen.
Rev Fr Alexander Mwebembezi