Daily Reflection Sunday 3rd October 2021
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 3rd October 2021
Mark 10:2-16
You may be saying, it’s not me, my daughter is just rebellious, or my son got involved with the wrong crowd or some other excuse. Wait a minute!! The problem could be you! Children are imitators; designed to learn by watching us and copying what we do. If we want our children to be Christ – centered, we must demonstrate what that looks like by living a life fully dedicated to Christ. If not, we shall fail in our responsibility of raising a Godly generation. Jesus says; “Let the little children come to me. Do not stop them … ”
Lord Jesus helps us to set a good example for the young people in our families and nations. May your word be a light unto our children’s path. More than anything, may their hearts truly desire to walk in the light. Amen.
Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi