Daily Reflection Sunday 5th September 2021
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time B
Mark 7:31-37
They were really amazed. They said, “Jesus does everything well. He makes the deaf hear! And those who can’t talk-Jesus makes them able to speak.” When he gives life, he gives it abundantly.
When he gives a burden and a yoke, he makes sure it’s a light one and an easy one. When he welcomes the weary, he gives them rest.
When he sets a person free, they are free indeed. His grace is abundantly overwhelming. He does all things well.
Dear Jesus, you know all about me. Instead of worrying, complaining and expecting the worst, I am praising you in advance for the best that is yet to come. Though I don’t know all that you will do, I am confident, oh God, that you do all things well. Amen.
Rev Fr Alexander Mwebembezi