Daily Reflection Thursday 12th August 2021

Daily Reflection Thursday 12th August 2021


12th August 2021

Mt 18:21-19:1

Let me stress a point here, we forgive because God, in Christ, has forgiven us so much. When we fail to forgive, we torture ourselves; because bitterness causes depression, inability to sleep, tension and much more.

When we forgive, we not only set others free, but we also set ourselves free. Life is too short to live with anger and bitterness.

You cannot live in the present and create the future if you are dwelling on the past. Forgiveness glorifies God because it shows that he is more satisfying to your soul than revenge.

Dear Jesus, I thank you for the power of forgiveness, and I choose to forgive everyone who has hurt me. I choose to be kind and compassionate, forgiving others, just as you forgave me. Amen

Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi