Daily Reflection Tuesday 5th October 2021
October 5th 2021
Luke 10:38-42
Do not be too busy for Jesus. Stop over-scheduling and overcommitting.
Do not let your work, or your dreams, or your entertainment become your master. Your doing will lack power if it doesn’t begin with being with Jesus.
If you don’t have time to sit at Jesus’ feet, then you need to re-evaluate your life, because your priorities are out of order. To say it simply – if you are too busy for Jesus, you are too busy!
The truth of the matter is: the busier we are, the more we need Jesus and the more we need to listen to him.
Dear Jesus, forgive me for allowing my schedules to take priority over my prayer time with You. No matter the cost, help me to growinintimacy with you. Help me Jesus never to be too busy for you. Amen.