Daily Reflection Tuesday3rd August 2021
3rd August 2021
Mt 14:22-36
“Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking towards Jesus across the water .. ” This was an ultimate out of the comfort zone moment! There is a greatness that God calls everyone to. Will you embrace yours? Or are you going to let the what ifs talk you out of it. “What if I fail? Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying at all.
Do not allow your inner doubts to keep you from achieving what you can do. Step out of your fear zone and step into the zone of faith. Trust Jesus! Explore your God given potential. If you never try, you’ll never know what you are capable of.
Lord Jesus, help me not to overthink things, but trust your leading in my life. I declare that I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and try to do my best for your glory. Amen
Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi