Diocese of Kasese seeks 4 Billion Ugx more , to Complete New Cathedral Church.
By UCO Editor and Felex Sengiyunva

“The currently Beam – leveled magnificently sized Cathedral in Uganda, ongoing Church project of the Diocese Of Kasese still needs funding”
Four billion shillings is still required to complete the new Our Lady Of Assumption Cathedral Church in Kasese town, the Diocesan Treasurer and Administrator General for the Diocese of Kasese, Rev. Fr. Joseph Kule Syathetha has revealed.

Presenting a report to the Bishop about the collections, Fr. Syathetha said of the 6.7 billion shillings required for the project, four billion shillings was still required, including the two pledged by the Ordinary Bishop.
He said Bishop Kibira was ready to hand in his pledge of the two billion shillings, as a call that should the Christians also fulfil theirs.

The Kasese Cathedral Parish Rector, Rev. Fr. Joseph Kirungi who hailed Christians for their contribution, revealed to the Bishop that a well audited and independent bank account had been opened for the collections and that more than 800 million of the 1.6 billion shillings share for the parish, had been readily collected.
Bishop Kibira later on appreciated the Christians for the contributions before asking the Parish Priests to work closely with the laity councils and the lay faithful to clear their pledges they made.

He also asked heads of the Catholic founded movements and organisations to encourage their members to contribute towards this cause. END.