Four Deacons set for Sacred Ordination to Priesthood in Lira Diocese
Four Deacons set for Sacred Ordination to Priesthood in Lira Diocese
Fr. Isaac Ojok
Preparations and arrangements are in high gear among the Christians in Lira diocese to receive four new priests who are going to be ordained in May 2023.
The candidates who are set to be elevated to the order of priesthood through sacred ordination are; Rev Deacon Caesar Okello from the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish-Bala, Deacon Leo Ocen from St Leo the great Sub parish Boroboro, Deacon Denis Okello Odyek from St Peter Sub parish-Anai, Deacon Francis Otim from the Blessed Sacrament parish- Aber respectively.
For this year, the ordination of deacons to priesthood is taking place shortly 8 months, after four priests were on 4th August 2022 ordained by the Rt Rev Sanctus Lino Wanok.
According to the Banns, the candidates are going to be ordained priests on the 11th May 2023 at Lira Cathedral Ordinations Ground in a solemn Eucharistic celebration that will be presided over by the Rt Rev Sanctus Lino Wanok, the Ordinary of Lira diocese.The Bishop announced his intention to ordain four deacons to the order of priesthood following the spontaneous pastoral demands from the people of God in Lira diocese.
Apparently, Christians in Lira diocese amidst other challenges are generously collecting their domestic resources to ensure that the event for this year, may be successfully held for the good of the people of God in the diocese.
Apart from resource mobilizations, the time of ordination is a very special moment in the lives of Christians in Lira diocese when they vividly demonstrate their solidarity in support, togetherness and joy upon the love of God for His people revealed through the new shepherds among them whose main work is to facilitate their spiritual welfare as well as shaping their moral and holistic growth.
From the liturgical point of view, preparations in form of song practice and others are ongoing among the choir members to enable them have successful animation of the holy Mass on the D-day.
Similarly, as part of the preparations, Christians in the diocese have been urged to pray fervently for the candidates in a move for them to become fruitful among the people of God in the pastoral ministry they are set to embrace.
Candidates to be ordained priests shortly after their ordination to deaconate last year, were all appointed to different parishes to gain more pastoral experience and to enable them be strengthened amidst other challenges.
In that way, the official communication announcing the intention of the bishop to ordain four new priests is timely when the Christians in the diocese throughout this vocations week scheduled to run from 22nd April-30th April 2023 are being guided to meditate upon their different roles and responsibilities in the church, different forms of vocations through the ongoing catechesis on radio.
While launching the week for vocations, the Ordinary of Lira diocese Rt Rev Sanctus Lino Wanok emphasized the need for Christians to observe their families to be where vocations can be nurtured.
He further observed that, it is the responsibility of Christians to promote vocation to the Sacrament of holy Matrimony, a central point he said it is where all other vocations like the vocations to priesthood and religious life are derived when they are well fostered.
The ordination of four priests this year 2023, will add up the total number of the entire priests serving in Lira diocese particularly those who are directly working in the parishes, some are serving in learning institutions, health facilities, pastoral and development departments while others are assigned to serve in social communications Commission of the diocese including all those who are out of the diocese for studies.End