John Paul I: the faith of the “Smiling Pope” in Vatican II
John Paul I: the faith of the “Smiling Pope” in Vatican II
Cardinal Albino Luciani was elected pope on August 26
One of the shortest pontificates in history could bring to the honour of the altars another pope of the 20th century. John Paul I lived only 33 days on the Chair of Peter, but his testimony – not only in that short period of time, but more so in the previous decades as bishop and pastor, esteemed even outside the Italian borders – remains very tangible in the Church even today.
It was 44 years ago that Albino Luciani, the Patriarch of Venice, was elected pope on the fourth ballot on August 26, 1978, and assumed the double name “John Paul”, in homage to his immediate predecessors, John XXIII and Paul VI. The former appointed him Bishop of Vittorio Veneto, thus including him among the Fathers of the Council; while the latter transferred him Cardinal.
The “Smiling Pope”
The month-long pontificate of John Paul I earned for him from the media the title, “the Smiling Pope”. The world came to learn that the mild character that his expression revealed was never an indication of a lack of spiritual clarity and pastoral energy. Proof of this was his attitude and the work he did at the Second Vatican Council.
Breath of the Universal Church
During the working sessions of the Council, the future pope lived an intense experience of the Universal Church. “In the Council hall,” he wrote to the faithful of his diocese in 1963, “it is enough for me to raise my eyes to the steps in front of me.” “There they are, the beards of missionary bishops, the black faces of Africans, the protruding cheekbones of Asians.” “And it’s enough for me to exchange a few words with them, and visions and needs open up, of which we have no idea”. In other words, one feels the breath of “Christian optimism”, which promises to be the fruit of the Council, against the “widespread pessimism” of relativistic culture.
He will be beatified on 4th September 2022.