Kampala Archdiocese announces a Peace Week
Kampala Archdiocese announces a Peace Week
The Archdiocese of Kampala is in preparations to launch big event of a peace week scheduled in the
month of September.
In the announcement Letter that was released from the office of Chancery on behalf of the Archbishop of the Archdiocese released on August 24th 2022 addressed to all parishes and parish Priests in the archdiocese, the Archbishop His Grace Paul Ssemogerere in conjunction with the
Caritas, peace and justice department announced and called upon all parishes in the Archdiocese of Kampala to get involved and participate actively in the peace week. He highlighted that the peace week will be rooted in prayer and therefore there will be nine days of praying for peace in homes,
communities, in the nation Uganda and the world at large.

“In the nine days, each day will have a related message to the chosen theme: “Environmental justice
for sustainable livelihood” and this shall be communicated out to people and a call for participation in
the activities that are geared towards the protection and conservation of our environment in
response to Pope Francis’ call in his letter ” Laudato Si”,also rhyming with his New year’s message of
peace, 2022″ archdiocesan chancery letter points out.
In the Letter, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Kampala Rev. Fr. Pius Male Ssentumbwe also
highlighted on the procedures and activities for the entire Peace Week that will open officially on Thursday 1st September up to Friday 9th September 2022. The Procedure highlighted are Prayer which shall be sessioned in the daily holy mass throughout the course of the nine days, St. Francis of Assisi prayer for peace that will be said before the final blessing at the mass, the same prayer St. Francis Of Assisi that will be added after morning and evening prayers or Rosary at a family and
personal level,and then fasting and penance privately.
The activities to be conducted in the nine days are tree planting at homes, schools, parishes,
towns and other institutions, community voluntary Cleaning in towns, market places, water sources,
homes and toilet facilities, and then the parish caritas, justice and peace leaders will elaborate with
parish priest to organise these activities with the help of civil leaders and security personnel.
On Sunday, 4th September at the end of mass, there shall be advocacy activity to congregation on
environmental protection.
Day 1: Environmental Education (sourced and based on Dan. 3:56-88).
Day 2: Environmental Protection; for example tree planting and waste management (Gen. 2:15)
Day 3: Food Security in homes (Gen. 1:24, Matt. 14:16).
Day 4: Land rights.
Day 5: Peace in the home.
Day 6: Economic Empowerment (Gen. 1:29).
Day 7:Caring for refugees (Matt. 4:25).
Day 8: Climate Justice ( Basing on the entire Creation story in Genesis).
Day 9: Peace in the Nation with focus on tolerance and friendship.
(Signed by Fr. Pius Male Ssentumbwe, Chancellor – Kampala Archdiocese.