Message From National Director Of Ugandan Catholics Online

Ugandan Catholics Online is a NOT for PROFIT Organisation which started in May 2018 operating on the principles of voluntarism with a vision to “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Ad Quod Totum Parit Nec Orbis Terrarum” /Translated as; To Bring Forth the Greater Glory of God to the Whole World. We are comprised of Catholic Priests more particularly those who have journeyed with our Youth of Uganda in various capacities at diocesan and at national levels. I welcome you to support and like our website of Ugandan Catholics Online (UCO).

In a contemporary world faced with several challenges and confusion about authentic Catholic teaching, our primary focus as a ministry is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus with faithfulness to the Catholic faith and doctrines. In John 8:12 Jesus announced that “I am the light of the World. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of Life.” Our mission is to share the Light of the world with others online.

Therefore, I invite you to follow Ugandan Catholics Online on Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and regularly visit our newly launched website for new content. On the website you will enjoy the Online Live streaming of Holy Mass, Novenas, Rosaries, Homilies by different Preachers, Online Interviews, Daily Readings, Lives of Saints, Catholic Pictures, Histories of Our Dioceses and Parishes, Faith Stories of different personalities, Choir programs, the latest Church News, Vocation Promotion; and anniversary celebrations of our Priests, Bishops, and Religious men and women. This platform will also be used to broadcast major Church events like burials, ordination masses, and pilgrimages holy sites in Uganda.

Please consider using our website and social media platforms for advertising your services and products. Such support will enlarge UCO’s mission in the long term.

As the National Director of Ugandan Catholics Online (UCO), kindly allow me to appreciate Alinaitwe Victor Founder, Ocatre Silver National President, Fr. Polycarp Opio, all our Priests on the Team, the Editorial Team, the Praise and Worship Team, Mbuya Parish, the Uganda Episcopal Conference, all Catholics in Uganda and worldwide, all our valued viewers, our hard working team of youth volunteers, all Communication departments in all dioceses in Uganda, the Lay Apostolate department at the Uganda Episcopal Conference, Radio Maria Uganda, Radio Sapientia, Radio Pacis, all other Catholic Radio Stations, the Director of the Communication department of the Uganda Episcopal Conference Fr. Phillip Odii, and the Bishop Emeritus of Lira diocese Rt. Rev. Franzelii. The list is long and we may not mention all of you, but please accept our gratitude for your support. We need continued collaboration and support from each one you so as to scale greater heights. Kindly Support us spiritually, morally and financially, and also by sharing our links and by liking all our programmes. Together we shall achieve more in our mission of bringing the Gospel closer to God’s people through media.

I WISH YOU GOD’S BLESSINGS: To Bring Forth the Greater Glory of God to the Whole World.

Yours Sincerely,

Fr. Kizito Yandu

National Director Ugandan Catholics Oline (UCO)