Online Catholics share their “memories” during Pope Francis’ visit to Uganda

Online Catholics share their “memories” during Pope Francis’ visit to Uganda

On reviewing and memorising Pope Francis’ Visit to Uganda earlier in November 2015, We organised a memory review on all our online platforms with our followers about what they remember about this event.

Here is how the Popes visit changed people’s lives in their memory comments;

Facebook:I was at home on TV watching him, that last wave before he boarded still here in my mind like I know those words were for me. God bless the Pope – ariho loyce

The boy he lifted at Kololo ceremonial grounds, en when he moved out of his car while going to Namugongo – Matovu Kathryn

By the time he visited Nalukolongo baketeyamba, people would climb trees and banana trees to see and witnessed his visit – lilian KOBUSINGYELate IGP kaweesi was the incharge of Readings – kemigisha Cleophus

Personally I was among the youth who was invited at kololo grounds to meet the pope and invitation was by Card – Noah

By the time he was at Nalukolongo I escaped at home and went to our neighbour to watch pope at her Tv but unfortunately returning back home my mum beaten me 🤣🤣 – Twongeirwe Catherine

Namugongo road got security lights ngoyitawo nobanga Ali e bulaya – Bukenya cathy

I can’t forget the fun we had at kololo independence group we the youth with Fr. Luzindana. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰- Nalwanga Florence

I was childless and when he celebrated mass at Namugongo,I asked God for a child if truly he is His appointed child and behold I got my Maria Assumpta. – Beatrice A. Loy

I hrd Him blessing people at the end of the mass in Luganda ‘mukama abawe omikisa’ – munguriek Francis Totti

He preached about love and peace indeed Uganda was full of peace unlike now days long live our beloved Pope 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 – Nakate Ssenyonjo

Kissing his holy ring – Miyingo Mugagga Peter

I was supposed to have exam that day in the afternoon , but I decided to leave it, because I wanted to attend the mass led by pope namugongo so I traveled from Jinja to namugongo I enjoyed the mass and am sure I was blessed later after the mass went back to university though I was late but I passed the paper thanks be to God – Muhumuza Tadius amooti

In all musicians in Uganda he’s one and only bobi wine released a welcoming song for Pope Francis – Michael DantonOur road from seeta-misindye-ssonde to namugongo was tarmacked 🙏🙏🙏 – Thierry Walusimbi

Gave a brilliant talk to the religious at St Mary’s Lubaga cathedral – Noah Ssenyonjo

It was my first time to visit Kampala and it was because of Him and I have been able to receive his blessings because he passed close to me at Kololo – Edmon Owachgiu Tom on WhatsApp

I was Part of the Choir – Alfred Onyuthi on WhatsApp

I planted a tree as was touching down at the airport I was listening on radio. The tree has really grown surprisingly its the same portion of land my dad gave me as a share some two years back in that same spot where I planted the tree – Emmanuel Matovu Executive Ugandan Catholics Online.

I was near Kabalagala and I got to know that he was going to Ggaba via Kabalagala abit late, went on the TV, but what I remember about him is the struggle with security personnel at Kololo, hooo in all ways possible to convince police so that I get in and see him physically ..not on TV screens – Emmanuel Ojogol Executive Ugandan Catholics Online.

I was preparing to do my End of Year Examinations then in S.5 at St. Anthony Of Padua School, Kasese Catholic Diocese and couldn’t make it to come lively meet my pope, surprising received a gift of “Kasese Diocese Meet Pope Francis” t. Shirts from our Headmaster for winning a Divinity test we had done on a weekend, t. Shirts which were on sale to those who were travelling to Kampala. We watched everything on TV in the school watching hall. It was a blessing to Uganda indeed – Felix Habyarimaana Executive Ugandan Catholics online