Over 1,000 Youths Turn Up for The Kasese Catholic Diocesan Youth Conference
By Stephen M. Gonzaga
Over 1,000 Youths Turn Up for The Kasese Catholic Diocesan Youth Conference
The Youth Chaplain of the Catholic Diocese of Kasese Rev. Fr. Joseph Tumusiime has revealed that over 1,000 youths have showed up for the annual Four Days youth conference that is on going
at Holy Trinity Kyalhumba Catholic Parish.
Fr. Tumusiime said that the conference started yesterday Wednesday 29th March 30, 2023 and 700 youths were registered. A massive turn up.
“Today 30th March, we have received very many youths reporting for the conference and we expect the numbers to increase as the conference goes on,” Fr. Tumusiime said.
The cleric noted that the youths are very disciplined, participatory and attentively listening to the facilitators.
The conference is facilitated by Rev. Fr. Kiibi Deogratious from the Kampala Archdiocese under the theme “Mary arose with haste” LUKE 1:39 and the Sub theme is “Arise I appoint you as a witness of what you have heard and seen”.
Fr. Kiibi is being assisted by Fr. Tumusiime Joseph, Fr. Patrick Sunday Baluku and Mr. Pinato all from Kasese Diocese.
During the Four days long conference, youths will have learnt from the following topics which are being and to be discussed by the facilitators.
👉🏾Prayer or How to pray
👉🏾Courtship and Marriage
👉🏾Discernment and Vocation
👉🏾Economic Empowerment
👉🏾Healing and Deliverance
👉🏾Penance and Reconciliation
👉🏾Know your Catholic Church
👉🏾Way of the cross
👉🏾Talent show/Games and Sports.
Joachim Mulira the Diocesan Youth Apostolate Movements leader revealed to this site that there are a series of activities that started way back on Ash Wednesday and will be ending on Palm Sunday with the holy mass that will be led by Rt. Rev. Francis Kibira Kambale, the Bishop of the catholic diocese of Kasese.
“The Youth conference is always carried out to mark the end of the 40days youth walk with Christ and the youth day on palm Sunday as declared by the Pope,” Mulira stated.
The youth walk with Christ for 40 days starts on Ash Wednesday at the parish and the Youths in the hosting parish move with the cross through all the local churches in the hosting parish as they pray the way of the cross.
“During the 40days youth walk with Christ, youths moved with the cross through all the 54 local churches in Kyalhumba parish and tomorrow Friday all the youths will move to pick the cross from the final local church and back to the Parish where the conference is on going and where the walk started,” Mulira explained.
He added that during the conference, the Bishop will then handover the cross to another parish that will host next years 40days youth walk with Christ and the Youth Conference.