Daily reflection Tuesday 6 July 2021
Matthew 9:32-38
Juses had compassion on the mute demonic and the helpless crowd that followed him. He teaches us to do something to heal the hurting, the broken, and the suffering. Compassion is not just being moved by someone else’s suffering; it’s being moved in such a way that love flows through us to the other. Compassion isn’t just a feeling – it moves, it goes somewhere, it actively does something. Jesus says “ the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few”. This should touch our hearts and lead us to say, “Here I am Lord! Send me!”
Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see those around me that are in need of my compassion. Compel me to list to them, to hear their needs. Give me the heart to be intrested in their troubles and the grace to share with them whatever is possible with in my means. Amen
Rev. Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi