Saint of the Day – October 2023
October1 St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
2 Guardian Angels
4 St. Francis of Assisi6 St. Bruno
6 Blessed Marie Rose Durocher
7 Our Lady of the Rosary
9 St. Denis and Companions
9 St. John Leonardi
14 St. Callistus
15 St. Teresa of Avila
16 St. Hedwig
16 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
17 St. Ignatius of Antioch
18 St. Luke
19 St. Isaac Jogues, St. John de Brebeuf and Companions
19 St. Paul of the Cross
23 St. John of Capistrano
24 St. Anthony Mary Claret
28 St. Simon and St. Jude