Ambrosi Kibuuka was born at Butuzzaliiso Ssingo around 1868. His father is Kisuule Balamaze and his mother is Wampera, the only boy who survived for the other boys died soon after birth. His father, an official of the King’s Band known as “Mujaguzo” very much loved his son whom he named Katikamu and Mulundaggana. Kibuuka was taken to the palace as a page at fifteen years of age and entrusted to Joseph Mukasa who in turn entrusted him to Charles Lwanga. He was social, very kind, talented in games, always cheerful and charitable. He would work for long hours without showing any sign of fatigue. He became an ardent catechumen and was baptized by Pere Mapeera on 16/11/1885. When the Christians were arrested, his friend Kigongo went to inform his parents of the arrest. He was burnt to death at Namugongo on June 3, 1886. He is the Patron of societies and youth movements such as scouts, YCS, Xaverians, and so on.