St. Cyprian High School Kyabakadde celebrates School Day in style
It was a joyful day as St. Cyprian High School Kyabakadde celebrated School Day.The Main Celebrant was Msgr. Dr. Richard Kayondo,Vicar General of Lugazi Diocese.
He Blessed the S.4 & S.6 who are sitting for their exams next week. On the same occasion a Laboratory building was officially Blessed and opened.
Brief: St. Cyprian High School Kyabakadde (Formerly known as Bishop Cyprian Lwanga High School Kyabakadde) was found in 1996 by the former Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga. Its formation was inspired by the desire to offer affordable yet quality education to the people of Kyabakadde and the neighborhoods.
It is a private Mixed Boarding Secondary Offering both ‘O’ and ‘A’ level education. The School registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports. It was dedicated to St. Cyprian as its Patron Saint.