The Re-Opening Of Churches In Uganda Is The Re-Opening Of   Fellowship

The Re-Opening Of Churches In Uganda Is The Re-Opening Of Fellowship

The joy I am seeing on the faces of all believer Ugandans is inexpressible and immeasurable. The joy that I myself have is beyond description. The thirst has been too much. People have been in silence. The Wise believe that silence and quietness is important for reflection and great discovery. Thus we can’t count this time as loss while we were in silence and quietness. Some have used the time to write inspiring messages that they are soon going to share, while others have used the time to renew their strength and relationship with God. We have been in silence and quiet for a long time with our God. With hearts full of sincerity, we indeed have had enough time with our God in silence to grow and change.
With the opening of Churches and other worship places in Uganda, we have been given another chance to exercise fully what has been for so long missed in our worship. We have missed fellowship and community for almost two years.

As we Proceed to our places of worship 200 by 200, we can now recapitulate the words of Psalm 133:1, Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! That full communion of brothers and sisters dwelling in unity (though it will have to be done in the parameters of the Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedures). From this Psalm we can begin our thanksgiving to God for helping us through this tough time. Remember dear brother and sister tough times never last but tough people do.

We can’t but thank God 🙏 since it has not been our making but by his grace, we are still living to his glory, and for his special consideration for the places of worship as well. In the same spirit of thanksgiving, we look into the words of psalm 30, from which I took inspiration to compose MANA YUMVA AMASENGESHO (a thanksgiving song to God after serious upheaval..can be war, famine, illness ..etc). God listens to our prayers in our time of need. He doesn’t forsake those who seek him with sincere hearts. It is he who heals the brokenhearted. We keep our Christian obligation to pray also for our civil leaders, that always inspired by the Holy Spirit may lead us in peace, love, and unity.