Two Blood Reverend Sisters celebrate 25years of Religious Life in Masaka Diocese
Rev.Sr. Roviina Ninsiima and Rev.Sr. Jacenta Kakuhikiire from the congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church born of same parents ,Late Joseph and Apollonia Byabagambi, celebrated a silver jubilee of their calling in thanksgiving to God for the wonderful journey of 25years as nuns and the gift of a call in their entire family.

The function took place on Sunday 13th February 2022 in Kyakatuma Village, Mutukula parish and border, kyotera District, opening up with Holy Sacrifice of Mass that was led by the Episcopal vicar Rev.Fr. Cosmas Kabogooza who is also a parish priest at Bethlehem Catholic parish, Masaka Diocese.
In the Homily, Fr. Cosmas asked Christians to seek for God’s blessings through Humility quoting Mother Mary’s response of Humility to the Lord ( I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you’ve said to me come true – Luke 1:38)

He also called on the congregation to pray for Priests and all religious men and women throughout their journey of Service and to stay aware about the devil that targets mostly servants of the Lord.