Ugandan Catholics Online raise charitable funds to support the surgery of Little Joseph Aniku

Ugandan Catholics Online raise charitable funds to support the surgery of Little Joseph Aniku

Joseph Aniku is a six-year old jolly young boy who was abandoned by his parents, and is currently under the care of his paternal grandmother Lucy Gaccy, and Aunt Temia Jennipher. The guardians of Little Joseph Aniku are residents of Bineneza village, Bujenje County, in the Masindi district of Uganda.

Aniku Joseph laying in the admission bed at the hospital

On the 4th April this year Michael Anima a member of WhatsApp Family Group 3 of the Ugandan Catholics Online shared a photo of Little Joseph Aniku in extreme pain due to a serious chronic leg bone infection that showed Little Joseph’s bone sticking out of his body. The sad health situation of Little Joseph threatened to take his life. Michael shared the photo drawing the attention of the UCO members and asked help for Little Joseph. The guardians of Little Joseph didn’t have financial resources to enable Little Joseph receive the urgently needed corrective surgery and treatment of the bone infection. The Executive members at Ugandan Catholics Online such as Mr. Emmanuel Ojogol made the very first contribution to the cause, and an online WhatsApp campaign to Save Little Joseph Aniku’s Life was launched. Ms. Angella Awino manages all the UCO WhatsApp groups was put in charge of the campaign; and Mr. Solomon Amwonya – Asst. Head of Operations at Ugandan Catholics Online was made the Treasurer of the campaign. The target of the campaign was 3.5million (Ug Shillings).

Brother Innocent (in yellow) handing over the contribution collected

On Monday 21st of March 2022, Ugandan Catholics Online Executive members entrusted Rev. Bro. Innocent Kaleebi (Leader of Doctrine at UCO), and Ms. Resty Nakiwala (Head of Welfare at UCO) with handing over the total donation of 1,341,000/= to the guardians of Little Joseph Aniku which was combined with the other money collected by the team from Masindi headed by Joel Tinkasiimire. Joseph was admitted the same day at CORSU Hospital, Kisubi Kampala.

Aniku Joseph after the Operation

Little Joseph Aniku under went a successful surgery needed at CORSU Hospital, later discharged and the Executive Committee Members of Ugandan Catholics Online heartily thank every member of Ugandan Catholics Online who contributed to the charitable campaign. One of the three pillars of Lent is to give Alms and support the needy! Quickest recovery to Joseph Aniku! God’s abundant blessings upon each one of you!