Ugandan seminarian meets Pope Francis
Ugandan seminarian meets Pope Francis.
Rome: A Ugandan altar server and seminarian is sharing joy for having met and served the Holy Father Pope Francis.
Sem. Andrew Ayesiga who is a ugandan born of Kasana Luweero Diocese, Luweero District narates that he got the opportunity to meet the Pope after being selected among other altar servers to serve in mass celebrated by pope Francis in the St. Peter ‘s Basilica, Rome on the 6th January 2023, that was the feast and solemn day of the Epiphany of our Lord.

After the Papal sacrifice of the mass, Ayesiga conversed with Pope Francis and when he asked for a blessing on introducing himself to be from Uganda, the Pope encouraged him to call on and pray through intercession of the Uganda Martyrs, an indicator that shows that the martyrs of uganda are recognised as a source of faith and blessings to uganda and the world.
Through our Ugandan Catholics Online correspondent Seminarian said this;
“It was my pleasure to meet the Pope, our holy father and to serve him during the mass he animated. These are the words he told Pope Francis, “Holy Father, I am Andrew Ayesiga, I come from Uganda. I request for your blessing!. I was very happy when he told me to pray through the intercession of Holy Martyrs of Uganda” Andrew Narrates.

Seminarian Ayesiga travelled to Rome on 24th June 2022, and is studying in Rome.