Who is Rt.Rev. Rapael p’mony Wokorach,the appointed Bishop of Nebbi Catholic Diocese?
The Apostolic Nunciature on 31st March 2021 announced the appointment of Rev. Msgr. Raphael p’Mony Wokorach as the new Bishop for Nebbi Catholic Diocese.
“On this occasion, the Apostolic Nunciature desires to congratulate the new Bishop Rt. Rev. Raphael p’Mony Wokorach, M.C.C.J. and to thank Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Odaga for his generous service as Diocesan Administrator” reads the letter signed by Luigi Bianco the Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda.
The Diocese of Nebbi became vacant after the appointment of Rt. Rev. Sanctus Lino Wanok as Bishop of the Diocese of Lira on 23rd November 2018.
Rt. Rev. Raphael p’Mony WOKORACH, M.C.C.J.
Curriculum vitae
The Rt. Rev. Raphael p’Mony Wokorach, M.C.C.J. (Combonian Missionary of the Heart of Jesus) was born on January 21, 1961 in Arua.
After the studies at Ragem Primary School, he joined the minor seminary of Ss. Peter and Paul, Pokea-Arua (1975-1979). In 1980-1982 he went St. Joseph College Ombaci, Arua, for Advanced Secondary School certificate.
- In 1983-1987, he joined the Comboni postulancy and studied Philosophy at Uganda Martyrs’ National Major Seminary in Alokolum, Gulu-Uganda, where he obtained a BA degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Urbaniana University.
- In 1988-1989, he did the novitiate of the Comboni Missionaries in Tartar, Kenya, and in Kampala.
- In 1989-1993: studies of Theology in Tangaza College, Nairobi-Kenya.
- In 1994 he obtained Master degree in Philosophy at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Nairobi, Kenya. His thesis title is: “The Good-for-man as a principle of Moral Character in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics”.
- In 2000-2001, he did course for formators at the Salesian Pontifical University, Rome.
He took first religious profession on April 29, 1989 and the perpetual vows on October 12, 1992. He was ordained priest on September 25, 1993 at Wadelai Parish-Nebbi diocese by the Bishop of Nebbi Martin Luluga.
Ministries and offices held:
- 1993-1994: member of the Ugandan province while pursuing his Master’s program in Philosophy in CUEA;
- 1994-2001: Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo, curate in a parish for a couple of years and later formator in the Postulancy for candidates to the priesthood;
- 2001-2003: Lomé, Togo, formator at the Brothers’Postulancy;
- 2003-2007: Chicago, USA, formator in the Theologate;
- 2007-2015: Nairobi, Kenya, formator in the Theologate and lecturer at Tangaza University College where he served for several years as Chair of the Governing Council of the College;
- Vice Provincial of the Kenyan Province from 2011-2013;
- 2015-2018: Apostolic Visitator for the Institute of the Apostles of Jesus;
- On June 21, 2018, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life appointed him Pontifical Commissary for the same Institute of the Apostles of Jesus.
He speaks English, French, Italian and local languages: Alur, Acholi, Kiswahili.
Rev. Msgr. Raphael p’Mony WOKORACH will be the fourth Bishop of Nebbi Catholic Diocese after John Baptist Odama, now Archbishop of Gulu, Martin Luluga now Emeritus and Sanctus Lino Wanok currently Bishop of Lira Diocese.