Bishop Spearheads Groundbreaking activity in Arua Diocese

Bishop Spearheads Groundbreaking activity in Arua Diocese

The Bishop of Arua Diocese His Lordship Sabino Ocan Odoki, has at Arua School of Comprehensive nursing, presided over a ground breaking exercise of constructing a school/hospital Chapel ,the St.Mary’s Catholic Chaplaincy.

 The Bishop has also affirmed new members for Baptism,Holy Communion and confirmation to the people at the chaplaincy in Arua.A total of 23 students have been confirmed.

During this exercise,a  fundraising exercise has also been launched, while on the other hand, in the students community, leaders have handed over to an incoming team. 

In his homily, Bishop Ocan urged students to love one another and love Jesus,thereby quoting Jesus’ words that, “whoever loves me keeps my word”. He requested the students to seek for better remedies when challenged, instead of resorting to strikes which can not solve any problem but rather cause destruction. 

Other dignitaries present were,the hospital director of Arua regional referral hospital- Dr.Nyeko Francis, the hospital administrator ARRH and the Senior Principal nursing officer.

Since it’s inception, in 1972, it’s the first time the Bishop is visiting the school. He has however promised to appear more often. 

Story reported by Ocen Emmanuel