He was born at Ogom-Payira Village in Kitgum around 1902. His father was Lodi and his mother was Amona. He embraced Catholicism and was instructed and subsequently baptized by Fr. Cesare Gambaretto on 1st June 1916. He was enrolled as a catechist after receiving Holy Communion and being confirmed on 15th October 1916 at Kitgum Mission. When Antonio the Catechist of Paimol died in 1917, Daudi Okello offered to replace him regardless of the dangers of in the place. But replied that he was ready to die for Jesus Christ, upon which Fr. Cesare Gambaretto allowed him to go. He taught the people of Paimol for about a year. He is remembered as peaceful, rather shy but intelligent and very dedicated catechist and loved by all. During the weekend of 18-20 October 1918, five intruders attacked the station and demanded that Daudi renounces the teaching of catechism and upon refusing they speared him to death. His body was then left unburied until a few days later some people, tying a rope around the neck, dragged the body over a nearby empty termite hill. The mortal remains, collected in February 1926, were later placed in the mission church of Kitgum, at the foot of the altar of the Sacred Heart.