Catholic Church in Zambia to call for canonization of Late Cardinal Joseph Mazombwe

Catholic Church in Zambia to call for canonization of Late Cardinal Joseph Mazombwe

Catholic Church in Zambia to call for canonization of Late Cardinal Joseph Mazombwe

Lusaka: Rt. Rev. George Zumaile Lungu bishop of Chipata diocese in Eastern Province of Zambia, says the local Church will ask the Archdiocese of Lusaka to start pushing idea for the Canonization of His Eminence the late Medardo Joseph Cardinal Mazombwe.

Bishop Lungu said this during the Memorial Mass of His Eminence Medardo Joseph Cardinal Mazombwe the first indigenous Zambian to be created Cardinal, who died on 29 August, 2013 at the age of 81.

“The idea will not come from us but from Lusaka Archdiocese,” Bishop Lungu said and continued, “Everybody knows that His Eminence the late Cardinal Mazombwe was a holy man.”

“There is need to write a letter during the 10th Anniversary next year to ask Lusaka Archdiocese to start investigations for Cardinal Mazombwe to be declared the Blessed,” Bishop Lungu added.

He further said that there are enough signs and he was sure miracles are happening but that the Diocese doesn’t have a way to know when people prayed and received God’s answer because of the intercession of Cardinal Mazombwe. He said that those are the things that may come next year if we can push the agenda to find the way.

Bishop Lungu further said that during the 10th anniversary next year, the Church will petition the Government to declare a National Day for Cardinal Mazombwe in order for the country to be remembering him for the big role he played in the country.

Bishop Lungu said that the late Cardinal Mazombwe was a special gift to the entire Church and he will still be missed in the Diocese as he did not take prayer life lightly but was always in communion with God.

He further said that Cardinal Mazombwe was also a man with sense of agency and as such observed punctuality and that till his death, he was faithful to his call.

Bishop Lungu called on people to be faithful in their various callings, as such exhorted them all not to give up even in times of difficulties.

The Catholic Bishop of Chipata Diocese who was also cerebrating his 37th Anniversary in priesthood on 29 August 2022 described Cardinal Mazombwe as his mentor and a great Pastor of the Catholic Church, who had great passion for Pastoral work.

“Cardinal Mazombwe was always among us in his humble way as one at our service,” Bishop Lungu said and added, “He was a man of conviction, a man of faith, a man of prayer and action, for example, punctuality.” Bishop Lungu gave example, “If he told you that he was coming at 16.00 hours, mark it.”

Cardinal Mazombwe was born in September, 1931, at Chundamira village in Chief M’bang’ombe’s area in the present day Katete District of the Eastern Province of Zambia. He founded the congregation of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Chipata Diocese which is one of the fastest growing congregations in the Diocese.

The late Mazombwe aggressively campaigned for Zambia debt cancellation during the Jubilee 200 movement and advocated for the voice of the voiceless. He also held several senior positions in the local and regional Church such as Zambia Episcopal Conference president (1972–1975; 1988–1990; 1999–2002), and as Chairman of the regional conferences under Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) (1979–86).

In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI elevated Archbishop Mazombwe to the status of Cardinal-Priest of Santa Emerenziana a Tor Fiorenza at a consistory on 20 November. He died on 29 August 2013 after serving as Cardinal for only two years.