Daily Reflection Sunday 2nd January 2022

Daily Reflection Sunday 2nd January 2022


Mt 2:1-12

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

It was the Magi’s heart’s desire to worship
God. And why? Because we are all created by God to worship Him. If our life purpose is to please ourselves and to serve our greed and to satisfy our own pleasures, then we are not worshiping God but idols and are slaves to our sins. Friends, if we do not worship God, we will worship lesser things of little significance. Jesus is the Incarnate God who alone is worthy of our devotion and worship.

Lord Jesus, You alone are worthy of our worship for You have created all things, that in all things You might be preeminent.Let all nations and people render the worship You are due. Amen.