Everything happens in life for a reason

Dear friends in Christ, allow me reflect with you about the reasons behind situations and circumstances that we go through especially as we tread along the path of life.
Life of course has various definitions depending on who defines it and what they intend to arrive at. I’ll try to define it in a simpler way for us to grasp what pertains to situations of our lives. Life in simple terms is a journey that begins with our birth till we die. Some higher definitions will engulf the concept of conception and destiny of humanity in God. I’m not delving much into that.
Allow me to go through the subject briefly. We seek to understand the reasons why things sometimes happen the way they do. Sometimes we like the way they happen, other times we don’t. Whenever positive situations happen in our life such as graduations, marriage, harvests, or promotions at work, we rejoice, invite friends, make parties, move around hotels, have fun, drink and dance, and celebrate. On the other hand when things such as demotion at work, loss of our dear ones, sickness, or accidents happen, we are challenged and ask a lot of questions.
The outbreak of Covid19 at the start of 2020 created turmoil in the lives of many people. The ensuing LOCKDOWNS created even bigger challenges. But what spiritual lessons can learn from all this? I am sure someone else has already defined the abbreviation of “LOCKDOWN”:
L=Listen to God always, Love God and neighbor. O=Open your heart to hear the voice of God C=Call on God’s name in all circumstances of life K=Knockout all negative forces and attitudes D=Don’t fear. God is with you. Dwell in his presence. O=Organise your body and soul. You never know time is now. W=Wait on God for his time. N=Nurture your relationship with God. Nourish your soul on the word of God.
There are a lot of questions that have been sparked by the outbreak of Covid19, but whatever the questions might be, the most plausible answer is GOD. If we trust Him and put all our worries in Him, believe in His timing, He will come to our rescue. Remember, ”Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.” Ps 121:2. Thus, COVID19 to me is an eye-opener for all of us to renew our strength and commitment to our service to God and neighbor.
In conclusion, I would like to highlight a song I recently composed. The song is titled DUTEGEREJE IMPUHWE (We Await Mercy). The song is a reflection on Psalm 123, and it is meant for consolation and expression of total trust and surrender to God. As we await the providence of God, for a time of restoration and renewal, may we continue to focus on trusting and awaiting His Mercy.
Anthony Musekura is a composer and an organist. He belongs to Kinanira Parish of Kabale Catholic Diocese, Uganda.