Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Fr. Dr. Joseph Ambrosoli

Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Fr. Dr. Joseph Ambrosoli

Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Fr Dr Joseph Ambrosoli

O Father, you look compassionately
on every man wounded in
body and spirit
and show your benevolence
in the work of those who dedicate themselves to alleviating the suffering of others.

We thank you for having aroused the missionary vocation
in the heart of the young doctor Giuseppe Ambrosoli.
He recognized the true richness of man
in friendship with Christ and made the gift
of his profession to the poorest brothers.

We join with all those in Uganda
who invoke him and recognize him as
a humble and welcoming servant of the Lord.

Grant us, through his intercession,
the grace we ask of you …
May Holy Mary, Mother of life, obtain for us from her Son
the joy of seeing Father Joseph beatified.
Thus in her Church her example
of fidelity to the Master will shine and her profession will appear,
as it was, supreme love for the brothers. Amen.

Three Glories to the Holy Trinity

With ecclesiastical approval

  • Alessandro Maggiolini, Bishop of Como
